Form mail 
Autore: Torben Ravn
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I have this problem to my website. Has a page where customers can join a customer club and get some discounts on the tasks we perform for them.
When I have created this form of mail, then when I receive a registration for the customer club, it is not the customer's email address that is the sender, but my own email! A bit annoying because I actually use these emails from customers in a management program and when this piece of software retrieves info from my email address, it is me who is the sender.
As it is now, I have to manually correct the registered e-mails to the correct e-mail ...
Is that how it is set up as formmail now, because it works fine in our webshop !, as I see it right now ..
Postato il
Hello Torben,
I tested this for you but it works like it should.
i setup like this:
In Tab Send;
i receive it like this:
and confirmation (to customer normaly) like this:
test here if you wish:
the guide might also be udefull:
Let me know if this is helpfull.
Hi Andre
Thank you very much for your answer, but you may have misunderstood my question!
See the attached picture where I have registered "Anders And" for the customer club. If you see the attached file then *** is not the sender but I do it myself.
Previous versions of Websitex5 in which there was no parameter when uploading your pages. I think that is the problem that the person who has filled in the form mail does not get his mail as the sender.
You have the right to form mail works fine, but not as a sender in my mail program. And when I then have to "pull" the customer's info into the management program, my own e-mail address appears. In fact, the email provided inside the parameters before you upload the page ..
You are welcome to write directly to me at ***
I see, i will ask Incomedia to respond, no matter what you fill inside the form as sender adres, it uses the email adres filled in at step5.
It should be that if you use the sender email adres in the form it should reach you with the sender adress as sender.
I know there where some security issues with that with some providers, maybe that is the reason they changed it, but then the option in the form makes no sense, if you set it there it should overrule the mail adres in step5.
Thanks, let's wait for Incomedia.
(It > En) ... waiting for the STAFF experts to answer you, ... you need to understand the concept; ... with the mail_form you are the one who sends the email from your site to yourself, it could not be otherwise; ... the sender is never the one who fills in the mail_form, which could also be pincopallino(@)etc.(!)
... the email address of the sender who fills in the mail_form must be detected from the textual content of the email received; ...your STAMP is regular...
Det forstår jeg godt!
Men i tidligere versioner har det ikke været umuligt at lave en formular-e-mail, som kunderne har udfyldt med deres egen e-mail-adresse.
Og da jeg så modtog e-mailen fra den udfyldte formular e-mail så brugerens e-mail-adresse stod som afsender og ikke mig selv.
Dette skyldes, at jeg bruger disse oplysninger til kunder, der ønsker mere info fra vores service. Jeg har tidligere været i stand til at hente disse oplysninger direkte fra min mail-server, og info er gået direkte ind i min management software.
Nu er jeg nødt til manuelt at sætte sig ned og rette hver udfyldt formular e-mail-adresse fra min egen e-mail-adresse til kundens e-mail-adresse.
JA JA, det er også en måde at slippe af med al den spam, som vi oplever på nettet, og det er bare lidt irriterende, at der er et par mennesker, der er nødt til at ødelægge det for mange flere.
Og jeg lever med at rette mails i min management software, fordi når postadressen er fastsat i management software så alt er det samme
Af den måde, har jeg været involveret siden WebsiteX5 blev kaldt version 8,00, så jeg har været involveret i et stykke tid. Og jeg stadig finde nye sider i programmet, og heldigvis er der mere positive nyheder over tid end negative ting ...
... Post#16 >> Topic IT:
... google translation:
... ... ...
... ... returning exactly to the previous situation is not really possible, so I prefer to make it clear
However, again as indicated, "What we are currently discussing is the possibility that some information is entered in the sender to help distinguish the emails, but what is certainly not possible is that it will return to having an email as the sender. domain, as little by little they will no longer technically work on any modern hosting "
... ... ...
Thanks KolAsim,
Stafano's message is what i already feared, there are a lot of mails used by spammers and hackers this way (using the sender from someone else) these get blocked more and more by providers because they are also used of spoofing and can do a lot of harm.
It's just the way the world works unfurtunatly, there are alway's people trying to make easy money on a not very legal way and they are responsible for these kind of blocks.
Hopefully Incomedia can find another way to recognise mails. I have disabled the help from Incomedia, because the answer is there by the post of KolAsim from Stefano.
For Incomedia, maybe better to take the option out of the form in a next update?
Jeg vælger at skrive på dansk, så må I oversætte via google.
Det var jo som jeg allerede selv skrev i mit forrrige indlæg. Det er nok sådan det forholder sig. Måske mit mangement program har taget højde for det i deres næste opdatering. Nu er det jo ikke spam jeg sender ud, men nyheder via en tilmelding folk melder sig til frivilligt
God dag til jer alle