Place for custom objects and codes compatible with websitex5 pro 
Autore: Simon K.
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Sorry guys , i some time back came across a link directing me to a place with custom websitex5 pro codes and objects for purchase. am looking for this site or any better am not meaning the incomedia market place please.
The site was a third party site not under incomedia directly i think. help please
Postato il
Simon, Incomedia do not support 3rd party code.
Perhaps you could make a post detailing the functionality or feature you would like and if any user has the solution I am sure they will advise.
Hello Simon
Time ago this post was made:
In the last post is a link - the link does not seem to be active anymore.
Axel started a forum, where much free code were deleivered by him and other users. I don't know what happened with all that - maybe Axel can tell if he visits this post.
The entire incomedia community is clamoring for new and real things to implement in their site, first of all a new mobile menu. But incomedia is still, since years