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Crype A.
Crype A.

Cannot find Mail Settings  en

Autore: Crype A.
Visite 991, Followers 1, Condiviso 0  


We are using Website X5 Pro 2021.5.7. We want to setup Email settings. But I cannot find this setting "PHP Mailer". I am attaching the screenshot of Settings menu for your review. Could you please help me? Thanks.

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Elvin M.
Elvin M.

The screenshot of Settings menu.

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Postato il da Elvin M.
Papadopoulos T.
Papadopoulos T.

You will find at Export and then "Parameters..." 3rd Tab "E-mail".

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Postato il da Papadopoulos T.
Elvin M.
Elvin M.

Thank you for your reply. What I didn't understand is, in contact form I have already specified email address, but here I specify email address again which overrides the email address in contact form. If I leave this field blank, it doesn't allow. What if I want to have seperate email address for different contact form in the website, how can I do it?

The second questions, could you please let me know which PHP extensions should be installed in the server?

This PHP extensions are already installed, are the enough or shall I install other extensions, if yes, which?

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Postato il da Elvin M.
Stefano G.

Hello Elvin

The PHP extensions should be fine.

About the email instead, in order to solve a few issues that are starting to appear in modern hosting providers concerning email spam, you now need to mandatorily configure a main email in Step 5.

That email will be used to send out all emails

However, the email you configure in the Email Form Object will be used as Reply-To tag in the email. Meaning that if the user tries to reply to the email, it will eb sent to the correct email

Try this out and let me know if it works for you

Thank you


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Postato il da Stefano G.
Elvin M.
Elvin M.

Hello Stefano,

Thank you for your information. It works.

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Postato il da Elvin M.