File selection viewer 
Autore: X5 CroatiaPlease, like never before, restore the original Windows file browser, because this one of yours should have at least 10 more functions that more advanced users need (cut/copy/paste/view file...) When viewing a large number of files in a folder, this browser of yours opens for 1 minute folder... And with the windows folder, the preview worked as it should in a second... By pressing the ctrl key, I personally get only empty windows and I can't see a single file in that window. So now my frustration is huge and I started to hate every update you make because each one is worse than the worst... I know you might throw me out of this forum and you have the right because democracy doesn't seem to have the same vision as in the normal business world. Therefore, I don't understand why you don't offer users to work with windows file manager or to choose to see how many users will choose your...
Hello. I sent a notification about your suggestion to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Thank you Aleksej, so sorry that you must send a notification...
Good afternoon Croatia
I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with the software. I will gladly help you understand why the normal Window browser shows no file as we work to improve the new File Selection window, but of course, I must make clear that the old Window won't be back permanently. Of course, the functionality is pretty new and there's a lot that can be improved, but I am positive that over time the improvement will be tangible.
Can you please attach here a screenshot of the Windows window you get by using CTRL that is empty? I would like to check that for you. Also, where are you attempting to attach files? In a Text Object?
I would like to finish by making something clear. The Staff will never hide comments or posts where issues or problems are expressed requesting support. The only posts that will be hidden are topics or posts that have no real purpose but to rally discontent, without providing actual support to anyone.
My colleagues and I will always be available to help in the best way we can, but keep in mind that this is a support forum. Support requests will never be hidden, but problematic posts containing insults or continuous posting about complaints on different topics that add nothing to the discussion will be hidden
I remain available here
Thank you Stefano for putting the last nail in the coffin of this app which was superb. Unfortunately, switching to another application and project will take time and nerves for me, but you did not give me another option... I thank you for being honest and saying that option is not coming back anymore (great for users who cannot open a multi-gig database ... Through the ctrl key, the windows window does not show me a single file, I am condemned to your file browser which does not work at least in my case as I would like, an empty window (why a screen shot of an empty window) you know about all the bugs because we free debuggers, we report errors that you make money from... Thank you Stefano, I still have to be on this forum because as you know it is difficult to transfer 45 projects to another system, there are archives, files, images of users... Which now we have to manually transfer the file per file... Your company policy is wrong and we, the users who have been with you since version 8... know that...
Frankly, it escapes me too because you have introduced an internal file explorer to the program.
To me it delays incredibly (it makes the cpu squirt 100%), making the insertion of photos eternal.
In addition to the fact that, as noted, it has no important functions (file selection) which are in the windows file explorer.
We all know the limitations of the program, but why introduce new features that create problems?
Good afternoon Croatia
I would like to add something about the CTRL issue you mentioned.
We've verified and encountered an error with file extensions with the old Windows file browser window when you try to use it in specific places.
For this, the issue has already been reported and will be fixed by the developers so that you can once again select your files correctly
I will let you know here as soon as this update is available.
Thank you for your patience
Hello Croatia
Additionally, I would like to ask you to try and perform one further test for me. Please try these steps carefully to see if the new Window opens then:
1_ Uninstall the software, but not just that. Also delete all the contents of the folder with the name of your current version that you find below:
C: \ Users \ your username \ AppData \ Local \ Incomedia.
Make sure that it is the right folder and not the one under Documents which instead contains all the projects! That must not to be eliminated. If you are in doubt, let me know here. All those files will be recreated by reinstalling the software.
2_ At this point, reinstall it again in the latest version
3_ Check if the problem persists.
I remain available
Stefano G, do you think I have the time and nerve to do these instructions of yours? I pay for the PROTECT UPDATE application !!! I expect everything to work, the windows platform is updated... Friend, I don't have time to debug your errors, nor am I paid for it!!!
Stefano, hai chiarito perfettamente: indietro non si torna, dobbiamo tenerci (purtroppo!) questa nuova funzione di selezione file, ok... Ma si potrebbe almeno fare in modo che la funzione con CTRl (sinistro) + click sull'icona della cartellina per selezionare i file alla vecchia maniera, si possa flaggare come di default durante la lavorazione su uno specifico progetto? Poi se uno vuole utilizzare la nuova funzione lo può fare flaggando di default la nuova funzione, non credo sia complicato dare la possibilità a noi utenti di scegliere. Purtroppo mancano davvero molte funzioni alla nuova selezione file (per non parlare dei tanti bug), ho appena aperto anche io un post qui sull'HELP CENTER, la nuova funzione mi complica il mio lavoro, è davvero una grandissima seccatura dover ogni volta tenere premuto CTRL sinistro prima di cliccare sull'icona di selezione file, a volte lo dimentico e mi si apre la nuova finestra con funzionalità "castrate", la trovo solo una gran perdita di tempo e il tempo, come ben sai, è denaro.
Ciao e grazie
Stefano, you made it perfectly clear: there is no going back, we have to keep (unfortunately!) this new file selection function, ok ... But you could at least make the function with CTRl (left) + click on the folder icon to select the files in the old way, can you flag as default when working on a specific project? Then if one wants to use the new function, he can do it by flagging the new function by default, I don't think it's complicated to give us users the possibility to choose. Unfortunately, many functions are really missing from the new file selection (not to mention the many bugs), I have just opened a post here on the HELP CENTER, the new function complicates my work, it is really a huge hassle to have to hold down every time Left CTRL before clicking on the file selection icon, sometimes I forget it and the new window opens with "castrated" functionality, I find it just a big waste of time and time, as you well know, is money.
Hello and thanks
I personally will be very sorry and feel insulted by Incomedia if these last bugs are not solved... I will have to start transferring project by project to the new system and unfortunately probably extend the license because I won't achieve everything at once and I won't achieve everything in time ... Maybe it's time for a change...
Or maybe time for Incomedia is now counted... too much is too much
many other companies have disappeared after bad strategy. will not the first and not the last.
And generally it is because the management keeps his position with no actual customer listening.
I worked more 20 yrs for worldwide software editors, so I know well the process to stay on the market or to loose it. Competition is hard (that's life of these companies) , but you need to have money to invest into R&D... if not, you are dead against competitors.
is not it now ?
I love this application because with its simplicity and flexibility it enables me to do everything I need from web design. There are bugs, of course, I hoped that they would be fixed over time, but no... New ones are constantly being created, the application does not adapt to standards, but some new ones are invented that honestly make the web world laugh... Therefore, it is a turning point for Incomedia, I guess using general forum and google reviews understand. Personally, it is not a problem for me to switch to another system, but I am used to this one and I work with it in the dark... I note that I have a business Adobe license and I have never had any problems or bugs... Incomedia good morning and keep the users or...
Yes I am agree with you. The GUI is very awesome to work. But like you said too many new bugs at each release and a lot of old not fixed. We loose a lot of time at each update to check if the web is working fine or not.
So Icontinue to say that Q&A testing phase is not enough or good.
I don't understand all the complaining about Explorer.
In January 2022 I bought a new inexpensive notebook without external networks, cloud etc. and it works for me. It sometimes takes a few seconds for the window to open, but otherwise it works. In case of problems, there is the Ctrl key for Windows Explorer.
My brother's old website was made with Evo 13 and consisted of more than 60 pages with one or more small photos. Some errors occurred during the conversion with the current Evo version 2022.2.6, which I was able to solve with the help of the community.
Anyone who is overwhelmed with WebSite X5 can switch, but don't expect other offline or online programs or PHP scripts to run without problems.
I will continue to use WebSie X5 for my brother's website.
Daniel W. We all have a legal right to comment as do you. My wishes and posts are my right, i paid for that right!!! I don't see myself complaining about your comments and requests, so...
I agree with X5 Croatia... we are in a vicious circle... I pay for update protection.... When an update comes, there are new bugs in it while the old bugs are still unresolved.
Then I pay again in the hope that things will be solved, but with every update new problems arise and I have to check my site again to make sure everything still works.
Unfortunately it has now come to the point where I have started with another online web program. I'll admit it, it's not as simple as Website X5, and even more expensive.
But that does not outweigh the fact that my webshop is rock solid and can process all the most common payments (Ideal, Klarna etc). The customers are automatically informed, order overview, track and trace, and invoices, clearly broken down with the correct VAT percentages.
Nevertheless, if you want to create a site without a webshop, Website X5 is an easy and cheap program.
My conclusion is therefore: for websites I use X5 and for webshops an online webshop specialist.
I therefore plan not to pay for an extension for the time being, let them offer an error-free version first.
And again on my side another user. Maybe Incomedia will wake up because the market is brutal... If you are not in step with the times, you will be run over... Hire a better programmer, who understands the meaning of the word debugging...
Everyone is of course free to complain, but I consider the WebSite X5 to be a free program (WebSite X5 Evo minus savings in 1 year equals 0 euros, see 2nd paragraph) because it saves me a lot of money compared to online construction kits saves.
Online construction kits cost 10 euros and more per month in Germany, but with WebSite X5 it only costs 5 euros per month for a web hosting package (by Strato) including domain and SSL certificate. So I save 60 euros a year, more than the Evo version cost me.
I'm not complaining, I want to get a quality service for what I paid for, that's all, if there were no problems this forum would be empty...
keep you energy to other solution...
heuuu, Modo you hide this post as each time or not... ????
Please leave your name before to hide it... Just to be frank and transparent...
If not your are a bullsh... modo and we know who are !!! it's fun to see this attitude. YOUR attitude...
Axel my attitude? What's wrong with mine...?
Not yours...
modo attitude which hides many posts whith no reason and comment. My last sentence was not clear ...
Daniel W.User
Everyone is of course free to complain, but I consider the WebSite X5 to be a free program (WebSite X5 Evo minus savings in 1 year equals 0 euros, see 2nd paragraph) because it saves me a lot of money compared to online construction kits saves.
Online construction kits cost 10 euros and more per month in Germany, but with WebSite X5 it only costs 5 euros per month for a web hosting package (by Strato) including domain and SSL certificate. So I save 60 euros a year, more than the Evo version cost me.
Posted on the 08/29/2022 16:48:25 from Daniel W
Hi Daniel,
This is not a complaint, but a statement of facts.
I'd rather pay more for a well-functioning webshop, which I don't have to worry about. I am now € 11,= per month more expensive (including domain name, hosting, unlimited data, SSL, almost all payment methods, customers receive a clear order form, notification when the products are sent, and a separate invoice.
This site is automatically fully responsive, I don't have to fill in 3 sizes, or take anything into account)
I pay €15 x 12 = €180,=/year -/- €50,= costs for Evo each year = €130,= a year more. So for € 11 euro more p/month I have a professional website without bugs, shortcomings and I do not have to check it with every update.
Those $11 a month are well worth the time and aggravation to me.
Don't get me wrong, I still think Evo is an easy tool to create a site, but the shop part is really outdated.
Hello Jan,
the WebSite X5 program is comparable to a small car, with which you can drive 4 people and a small trailer to the end of the world, but you shouldn't attach a heavy horse trailer to the back and try to drive up a steep street.
WebSite X5 has Blog and Shop features, but these are additions to the website builder and shouldn't be compared to Wordpress or Shopify.
Every reasonably experienced freelancer or web agency owner should know the limits of the program and only use it for suitable purposes.
Daniel W.