Why image for cart items has tag alt="". How to add alt description to image? 
Autore: Vyacheslav M.
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All images for cart have tag alt="". How to resolve this problem and fill with text?
I attach product "Nanotech products for cleaning window Home.Window set" in cart constructor and same product in page (code)
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(It > En) ... would be superfluous, as there are already product descriptions...
... hear what the experts will tell you...
... however, if you really want it, and in theory, if the images have a descriptive name, you could try to assign the ALT and TITLE attribute (tooltip) with my EXTRA code..
Thank you for reply.
Google search system indicates alt="" as problem. I think if possible product name text place to alt tag it will be better.
For example: text from tag <divclass="imProductListCategory">Car interior polishes</div> place to alt="Car interior polishes"
Is it possible to change code for cart (I mean common update in program)?
Hello Vyacheslav
Empty alt tag should technically never come up as errors. It is considered fine to have empty alt tags and this is why we added them like this at the moment to avoid warnings where alt tags weren't present at all
At the moment, editing the final exported code would be the only way to add data there as it isn't added at the moment
Can you please let me know here where you received errors about the ALT tag being empty?
Thank you