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Markus K.
Markus K.

V9: "galerie" Von Importiertem Projekt (version8) Funktioniert Nicht  de

Autore: Markus K.
Visite 2750, Followers 1, Condiviso 40  
Parole Chiave: galerien,import,nach,version

Ich habe einen Upgrade von Version 8 zu Version 9 durchgeführt. Nachdem ich ein Projekt von Version 8 importiert habe, funktionieren dort die Fotogalerien nicht mehr.

Fotogalerien, insbesondere die von mir gewünschte Funktion "Miniaturbild" funktionieren nur, wenn ich ein neues Projekt anlege.

Postato il
Little-key .
Little-key .

Ja Gallerie und Blog scheinen große Probleme beim importieren zu machen. Habe schon öfter von Problemen gelesen. Kenne nur keine Lösung. Es soll diese Woche noch ein Update geben. Was alles verbessert wurde, noch keine Ahnung.

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Postato il da Little-key .
Steve J.

Hello Markus, can you tell me which problem are you having. Can you let me have the URL of your website or a screenshot.

In the meanwhile be sure to set 2 as the number of processes in WebSite X5 Preferences you can access when you launch the software.

Let me know.

>>> Drücken Sie bitte auf die englische Flagge, um die deutsche Übersetzung zu lesen.

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Postato il da Steve J.
Markus K.
Markus K.

Hello Steve

The setting of number of processes doesnt help.

the website is

See  "Galerie" >  "Thor".

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Postato il da Markus K.
Markus K.
Markus K.

The problem is that after importing a project from Version 8, the Galeries dont work any more. First they do, but as soon as you want to change something, it doesnt work any more.

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Postato il da Markus K.
Markus K.
Markus K.

sorry, i didnt want to close this post ! The problem  persists.

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Postato il da Markus K.
Steve J.

Hi Markus, I open this post again as you requested!

Can you send me a screenshot (or the URL) so I can understand what you mean? Have you checked to have installed Internet Explorer 7, 8 or 9 and mainly the Flash player for Internet Explorer.

Let me know.

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Postato il da Steve J.
Markus K.
Markus K.

Wouldnt it be best to just send you the whole project ? its 10MB, so i could sent it by email.

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Postato il da Markus K.
Steve J.

Hello, because the project is related to version 8, I would like to test the version 8 project. Please proceed as in this way:

  • open your IWP project file using version 8
  • go to step 5 and export the project (not the website -> last option)
  • set the folder named C:\MARKUS
  • ZIP the folder and upload on your server, so you can send me the URL and I can download it.

Anyway I suggest you to check if the problem is related to the images or to the fact that those images are not uploaded on your server. See these images:

Let me know.
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Postato il da Steve J.
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

Ein Vorschlag:

öffne Version 9 zweimal und kopiere die Objekt von einem Projekt ins andere. 

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Postato il da Der Zwoemti
Steve J.

Hi Markus,
I would like to let you know that we just released a BETA update for WebSite X5.

All you have to do is go to and enter your Licence Key. After that, when you will launch WebSite X5 you will be notified that a new BETA update is present, so you can download it.

I remind you to test this update (and suggest other users too) in a second PC and, especially test it on a backup copy of your document. The projects saved with this version ( could not be opened with the actual version (

Please read all the info present at

Let me know, thanks Wink

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Postato il da Steve J.
Hans Schalk
Hans Schalk

Accidently I have read this post and to my surprise I see that a new Beta update has been released! Steve R. suggest the users to test it, but my question is: How are other users supposed to know that this release is available if Incomedia doesn't communicate it??!! All users e-mail adresses are collected by Incomedia, so why is it so difficult to keep your customers up to date!!! What if the final update will be released, do I need to check the forum everyday to make sure I'm not missing anything?



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Postato il da Hans Schalk
Steve J.

We just uploaded it yesterday night, so I just alerted the users, as Markus, that urgently requested it. We are completing now the changelog list... it takes time because we need to have it in IT, EN and DE... then we'll publish here for all.Wink

Because this is a beta, we'll add a message here. When the beta will because public, than we'll send an email to all customers.

Moreover I confirm you that we'll activate email notification here on Answers soon Wink

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Postato il da Steve J.
Marie M.
Marie M.

bei import von v8 zu v9 gibts immer und überall probleme, nicht nur beim import von fotogalerien.

Deshalb mein Tipp:

versio-8 und version-9 öffnen und einfach nur den text in die zwischenablage kopieren und in version-9 einfügen und alles andere neu erstellen, sonst läuft man gefahr dass sich beim erstellen der vorschau der rechner zu tode rechnet, weil er die eine oder andere datei nicht findet und abstürzt.

LG Marie

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Postato il da Marie M.
Hans Schalk
Hans Schalk

Quote: Moreover I confirm you that we'll activate email notification here on Answers soon Wink Posted by Steve R.  (Incomedia) on 2011-10-07 10:26


Thanks for your answer Steve, that would be a big improvement!

Just wanted to let you know that Incomedia should (or maybe have done now Smile) invest more in their customer relations strategy, because when V9 was launched, I also had to find out by reading the forum post, as I never, never (although being a registered V8 customer), have received an e-mail notification from Incomedia, telling me there was a new version on the market.

Hope this helps,



P.s. Would also be an improvement if Incomedia could split up the answers-forum into separate languages, because browsing trough all posts I can't read anyway is annoying. I can read Dutch, English and most of the German, but Italian (most posts are in that language) and French is beyond my capacities, so preferably I don't want to see those (or is there another solution to filter these out?).

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Postato il da Hans Schalk
Steve J.

It should be correct. We sent the newsletter to customers but also to all the users who contacted us. Probably you are subscribed to our newsletter or you download a trial version, etc. Wink

Actually you can filter the language you want from the search panel visible when you see all the posts. We already planned to permit you to save (or better 'follow') one or more than one filter settings. By this way you can just view the one you prefer. Wink

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Postato il da Steve J.
Hans Schalk
Hans Schalk

Hi Steve,

You are right about the language filters. ApologiesEmbarassed.



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Postato il da Hans Schalk