Website X5 v9 Evolution crashing when starting. 
Autore: Alan W.
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Everytime I start up the program, it immediately crashes. I have reinstalled 4 times to no effect.
I checked the update program and it says I'm fully updated.
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Hi Alan,
try to reinstall the program by this link:
This is the last version of the program.
Start it as "administrator" and disable the antivirus or firewall.
Done that, still crashes as soon as I start it up as Administrator. Disabled antivirus and firewall, still no luck. It has WORKED a month ago, dunno why it has stopped now. I have nothing else loading in the background and I use Windows 7.
This is what it says when I looked under Solution Center.
Stopped working
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: websitex5.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 50484ca6
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4ef6c7cc
Problem Signature 07: 1b2b
Problem Signature 08: c
Problem Signature 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Hi Alan,
probably the software don't find a file.
Try to check if there is Framework 3.5 install:
correctly in your system and install the program in a different path.
Apparently, I don't have 3.5, but i have 1.1 and 4.0. Wtf. And, everytime I try to install 3.5, it gives me a Setup Error but doesn't explain why. So frustrating.
Hi Alan,
probably you have problem in your Windows System, try to install the .framework 3.5 as administrator permission.
I have. It keeps telling me Setup Error. Also.. I was reading on the Microsoft site that Windows 7 comes with .framework 3.5 but for some reason, it shows a blank when checking for Windows Features.
Hi Alan,
try to restore the Windows restore point or reinstall this update.
Tryo to uninstall all Framework, then use this clean tool:
then install the Framweork as administrator by this link:
Done that, but after opening it, it doesn't do anything. /sigh.
Hi Alan,
i'm sorry,can you install the software ona second PC please? so you can test that the program wrok correctly and probably you have a windows problem.
Yeah, it works on my laptop just fine. I am having window problems. Can't seem to repair it. Highly annoying.
Hi Alan,
try to restore a Windows restore point or check the last update of windows installed that may have causedthis problem.
Tried the Windows Repair, tried Windows restore point, nothing seems to work. I don't want to do the big fix by reinstalling, which I'm not even sure it'll fix the problem.
Hi Alan,
sorry but the Framework 3.5 is necesary for the correct starting of WebSite X5 Evolution 9.
Try to uninstall all framework and reinstall the 3.5, probably your Windows can't install framework correctly.