How do I add active content to the background? 
Autore: J A.
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Why can't I add active content on the background? Or phrased another way, why can we only add content in one part of the website?
Or am I not seeing the other options? Thanks
Example: All templates are like this, even customs ones. The backgrounds are blank and unusuable. It's also a waste of space, especially on the widescreen monitors, which are now commonplace.
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Although you can enterthis wallpaperfor the wholearea, but thePlan dusideanda reasonablyusefulrepresentationfor a variety ofdevicesandscreen sizes(there are not onlydesktop devices)has meantthat thepagewidthis representedoptimized.If you needto forcethe wholescreen widthin all cases,the page viewisdynaischdmitandoftenbecome veryunsightly.You can do thiswith suitableprograms,butWX5islimitedusefulforpage layout.
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