Page background image does not scroll when fit to window is selected. 
Autore: Richard H.
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After selecting an image file for the page background when creating a custom template, and selecting "fit to window", the image file does not scroll with the page content, even though the selection box "fixed background" is not checked. Can someone help me with this problem, or is this a bug?
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Hi Richard,
can you export the project online so you can let me the url of your page.
Let me know.
Hi Riccardo,
at the moment this is not possible as this is a new project i have just started.
You can test this problem yourself by selecting an image for the page background under custom template, and selecting "fit to window. Then you can see that the selection box "fix background" has no effect.
Regards Richard.
Hi Richard,
this function work correctly, i need the url of your site for test it.
Try to copy the preview link and past it in a differt browser for test.
Let me know.
Hi Riccardo,
it does not help to answer the question i have by sending you a url. I am simply trying to clarify a function of the X5 software.
What i am trying to do is as follows.
I am creating a custom template.
From the menu point "Image File" I select an image for the page background.
From the menu point "Repeat" I select "Fit to window".
I want the background image to move up and down when the page content is scrolled. For this reason i DO NOT check the box "Fixed background".
THIS DOES NOT FUNCTION! The background image is always fixed.
If "Horizontal repeat", "Vertical repeat", or "Tile image" is selected from the menu point "Repeat", then the check box "Fixed background" functions correctly.
Therefore, is it possible to scroll the background with the page content? If the answer is yes, then how? If the answer is no, then why not, and if this is not possible then the check box "Fixed background" should be disabled when "Fit to window" is selected.
I hope you understand the problem.
Regards Richard.
Hi Richard,
this field "Fixed background" shouldbe disabled if "Fit to window" is selected.
Thank you.
Hi Riccardo,
thanks for the information. In the future it would be nice if the background image could scroll with the page content. This would allow text to be read on the page content, set to transparent, and the background image to be seen at the same time. Maybe you can suggest this software change.
Thanks for you help.
Regards Richard.
Hi Richand,
i suggest you to open a post in the "idea" section so we can evaluate it for the future version of the program.