IPAD or IPHONE page background zoom 
Autore: Dan P.Hi,
Here is the site I will be discussing below:
Exported X5 Evolution 9 site to the "iwzip" format then imported into X5 Evolut10n and all went well except for the background.
When I viewed the X5 Evolution 9 version the background scrolled and fit my
IPHONE and IPAD nicely and my bounce right Gallery Object bounced nicely. Now when I updated my site using X5 Evolut10n the background now will not auto adjust and fit the page but will zoom to some section of my background. My bounce right Gallery Object no longer works and just switches. It would appear the code was updated to manage the background differently on Evolut10n vs Evolution 9.
Here is my settings on Evolut10n:
Here is my settings on Evolution 9
My Page Creation using Objects Gallery/Classic Slideshow/Effect Bounce right would bounce my image nicely on IPAD or IPHONE but now with Evolut10n the images just switch and not bounce. Using the regular Desktop browsers like Firefox or Google Chrome all looks great.
I would like to know how to fix this? I may have to go back to Evolution 9 to get my Slideshow effects and background fit to page working again.
Here is my gallery object Evolution 9 settings:
Here is my gallery object evolut10n settings:
Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
Hello Dan,
We checked the background and it was shown correctly on mobile devices. About the bounce effect we will verify why it is not working and it has a normal transition.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
Thank you for your response. This is the image that needs to fit nicely on your mobile device. The Japenese wording to the left and the right of the image must be fully visiable when everything fills the IPHONE and IPAD screen. Again, this all views well on Evolution 9 but not on Evolut10n.
Note: Please bear in mind on my IPHONE and IPAD only zoomed in section of the image will show up and not scroll. On my Evolution 9 the background stays fixed and the page content will scroll nicely on my IPHONE and IPAD. Now all this is no longer the case with Evolut10n release. I am in the process of updating my Evolution 9 pages to re-release and wait for a fix for Evolut10n.
Thank you again for your support in advance.
I am looking at my IPAD now and break down the following differences seen between Evolution 9 vs Evolut10n:
Home page
Video page
Events page
Tech page
Hobby shops page
Members page
Links page
Blog page
See if your IPHONE and IPAD reveal the same behavior indicated above.
Hello Dan,
Can you please send me a screenshot of how it appears on your iPad?
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
Here is a screen shot of every link starting with the home page. Please keep in mind the page links home, events, , hobbyshops, and members view properly but the rest do not. The other issue is the background scrolls with the page content instead of staying fixed and page content scrolling only. On a regular Windows browser all looks good.
Here is how my background looks on my Windows Firefox browser which is accurate and every background page looks like this and background fills the screen and stays fixed while the page content scrolls.
In Evolution 9 all worked well. I will update my Evolution 9 content to the latest updates on Evolut10n and re-update my site to show the differences.
Okay, I just discouvered what might be the issue here with the background.
In Evolution 9 the way the background image fills the screen is by using java code in the header of every page without any html css code in the styles/template.css:
<script type="text/javascript">x5engine.imQueue.push_init('x5engine.imBgStretch(\'style/bg.jpg\', true)',false);</script>
But Evolut10n it uses CSS code plus Java code on every page:
<script type="text/javascript">x5engine.imQueue.push_init('x5engine.imBgStretch(\'style/bg.jpg\', true)',false);</script>
html {
position: relative;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #000000;
background-image: url('bg.jpg');
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-attachment: fixed;
I wonder if the css pluse the java code is messing things up?
I will remove the css html code and see if this fixes things.
Hello Dan,
If you remove the css code the background will no more be visible. What is happening is that the content is adapted to occupy all the possible space so that it can be read better on smaller devices because in past it was necessary to zoom or move the page to read better the content and so it is automatically adapted and this allows a better view on these devices.
If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.