Background image scroll 
Autore: Petri H.HI
In post were question about background image and i does not scroll when page is scrolled , have you found any solution for this "problem" how to lock background and page together.
I have also same kind of problem but there would be one help but I can´t find result how to make it .
How I can get page background transparent , now when page is scrolled text and pictures "brakes" backgound image so that there is white box top of background. It would be much more nicer if text and pictures will be like floating top of background picture just like menu and header are.
If i choose enable custom settins in page properties , background image dissappears
PANIC .... just loaded those to server and noticed that in Firefox / IE background is shown ok , but if I use CHROME backgrond went BLACK .
No panic anymore ..... someway chrome also started to work well ....
But original problem is still valid.
Hello Petri,
On on your website is don't see a white box breaking the background. Did you mean to have the content transparent?
This can be done in the custom template settings by choosing the content and selecting transparent color.
Many thanks!
How I can get page background transparent , now when page is scrolled text and pictures "brakes" backgound image so that there is white box top of background. It would be much more nicer if text and pictures will be like floating top of background picture just like menu and header are.
Solved this problem by my self ......
In post question about background image and i does not scroll when page is scrolled , have you found any solution for this "problem" how to lock background and page together.
And also is it possible to header and horisontal menu can be locked so that thos are allways visible top of page ?
Hello Petri,
If you set it to fixed it remains fix and it's not scrolling. If you remove the option fix it will scroll. Also if you set to fit to window then it occupies all visible space and it will stay fixed.
For the Header and Footer there is at the moment no option to have it fix in the top and bottom so that they don't scroll but only the content. About this I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post.
Many thanks!