Bar in background 
Autore: Paul J.
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I want to have a gray bar, screenwide at a chosen height as a picture in the background. How can I choose the vertical position in pixels from the top? In HTML code? Where?
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You canin the "selectionof the template"- Edit:Insertheaderand footerfora wallpaperthat you cancustomize(with transparentportions)insize andcolorasthatof thedesiredeffect.
If in agiventemplateeditingthisbelocked, duplicate thetemplate, soit becomes acustomtemplate,whichcan be editedfully.
Thanks. But I can't find how to place the grey bar at a height other than top and bottom. Ik should like to place te bar at 120 pixels from the top.
Take a picture(pngorgif)with120 pixels(+marginabove)intransparent +(the gray barin the sizeof the menuin the picture below)andusethis as abackgroundfor the header.The sizeof the background areafor the head, adjustaccordingly.
Google translationfromGerman
Yes that's a indirect solution but I don't knwo how to create such a picture. I didn't succeed with paint and I have no other program to create the picture. Do you have a suggestion?
Hello Paul,
You need to use an image editor like as example photofiltre which is free and then you need to create an image with the transparency above fo 120px.
With html code it is also possible by adding it in Step 1 - Expert - Before closing HEAd tag" as css code.
Unfortunately I cannot help you with the use of custom code, but if you have any doubts or issues you can ask me anytime.
Many thanks!
Can I enter somewhere in the created HTML code in a place where the position of the bar is defined and change that?
Hello Paul,
The html code can be added in the Header in the HTML Code Object or in step 1 - Expert - Before closing HEAD Tag. Then with the code you can define the distance from the top.
The alternative is to create a header background where you add the bar already in the image and then you add this image in the template editor. In this way you will not need to add any html code.
Many thanks!