Search does not work well
Autor: William T.
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search does not work well ..
I am looing for tips to use websitex5 keywords and other info on making a site come up better in google.
Posted on the
Readable content is important. With you, the page consists mainly of links to other pages PDF files and pictures. The home page contains no text. What do you want from Google? Spells it will not. Create a sensible structured page with content and customize the keywords of the content to.
Thanks for the tips.. I was wondering if I should also use the "properties" on each page.. see attached.
Hello William,
Yes use the properties on each page to write in each page the description and keywords according to the content of the page. In this way the search engines will have more informations on every page based on the content of each one and this will help you to come better in google.
Many thanks!