V11 : Erreur lors du chargement du projet 
Autor: M. Cyril
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J'ai deux sites, un en version française et le même en version anglaise.
Je veux passer de la V10 à la V11 par le biais d'exportation .iwzip
La version française s'ouvre sans soucis
La version anglaise ne s'ouvre pas et le message suivant apparait :
"Erreur lors du chargement du projet."
"[Une exception de type 'Websitex5.BL.SameFileDestinationFound' a été levée.]"
Existe-t-il une solution ?
Posted on the
Salut Cyril, tes deux sauvegardes IWZIP ont-elles le même nom de fichier ? A vérifier peut-être...
Je signale la page au support car je n'ai jamais vu cette erreur avant. Attendre le passage d'un technicien...
@+, et bonne prise en main, J.P.
Salut J.P,
L'un s'appelle "Cyril Margouillat"
L'autre "Cyril Margouillat English"
ps : je tente un renommage "English"
Le renommage "English" m'a donné le même message d'erreur.
Hello Cyrill,
try to send me the .iwzip so i can test it, you can upload the file of your server or use https://www.wetransfer.com/
Let me know
***** Google Translation:
essayez deme faire parvenir le.iwzipafin que je puissele tester, vous pouvez téléchargerle fichierde votre serveurouutiliserhttps://www.wetransfer.com/
Faites le moi savoir
Hello Ricardo,
I just solved the problem.
My English version has been built as a miror of the French one.
The french one has been converted from V10 to V11 without any trouble.
I did some transfert test and found what was wrong but not why it was wrong.
Method applied :
I duplicated my English version project several times and removed one level of the map (screen 2) each time as long as I found the corrupted level.
In the corrupted level I have 2 pages with on video in each, using flashplayer by the following HTML code (viewer and video files are on the server) :
<embed src="http://www.cyril-margouillat.com/files/player.swf?file=http://www.cyril-margouillat.com/files/2012.10.09 sealock - margouillat - weo 01.flv&autostart=false"
wmode="transparent" width="640" height="480" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
By removing one page, the transfert worked. I did the same test with the other video and it worked too. So I opened my two English test projects with V11 and took the page of my first English test project with its video and implimented it into the other project in order to re-create the whole initial project and... it worked.
So, for me, the problem is now over.
ps : I used the html code because it was easier with the previous WS X5 version. I will try now with the WSX5 video model.
ps (bis) : I do not understand why the transfert V10 to V11 was ok with French version and not with the exact miror project in English version (nothing against our English friends, it's just to name my projects).