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Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Cells gone out of centre  en

Autor: Nigel W.
Visited 887, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  


I have been a bit too trusting and I haven't really looked at my published website properly since the upgrade to V11.

I have NOW noticed that all the cells I centred to show a tidy page have all reverted to "Top" alignment" (the default), although they all still say "center"

I am busy rushing round the WHOLE site trying to put this right!

IF I open and close just ONE cell on an affected page and "SAVE", the whole page rights itself.

(If you leave it too long to respond to this message you might not find any but at the moment this is an example:

Another bug!

Thank you

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

Nigel, I took the liberty to correct your spelling request.

I tested what you mentioned, i changed an old v10 project to several objects with centerd and top alignment pictures.

Imported this in the latest version The pictures had all the original alignment in the objects and also in the preview it showed up accordingly to settings.

Did you import with the latest version ? Is it still a problem for you or is it then solved?

Thanks !

BR André

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Posted on the from Andre E
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hi Andre...

Thanks for your reply.

I rather suspect that this happened AFTER the last UPDATE (NOT UPGRADE).

I have corrected everything now and I did this by only having to open ANY cell on a particular page and then being able to "SAVE", whence all cells on that page returned to "center" (where appropriate)

I had to repeat this for every single page...took me about "1+1/2 hours" of wasted time.

There must still be some sort of bug that needs addressing. EVERY page pre-viewed and published had "TOP" alignment, although my cells were showing centred in the work area.

(CSS not writing correctly?)



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Posted on the from Nigel W.
Claudio D.

Hello Nigel,

After you corrected one cell on the page and then published it, when you edited the project again and uploaded it the same happend again?

It could depend on the project itself where it the pages or a css file has not been updated and it was then shown not correctly.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hi Claudio... hasn't happened far.

I'm more concerned that this can happen.

Would it be something the developers should know about?



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Posted on the from Nigel W.
Claudio D.

Hello Nigel,

It would be necessary to see in what conditions it exactly happens to inform the developers.

I will test it and in case inform them.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.