Universal Template connection 
Autor: P. R.It would ben nice to create a universal system in which all templates could connect. In other words: like bluetooth. In the early days of mobile phones, every branch (and sometimes every phonetype) had its own carkit. It wasn't long before people found out this was not so handy. With every car- or mobilechange, they had to buy new hardware and had to do a lot of work to build it in the car. Costs and time consuming.
Bluetooth was the universal solution to this problem. Your mobile can connect to any other equipment with bluetooth.
It would be nice to have WebsiteX5 with a general template connection, to which all templates could connect: all current templates and all newer versions. That way Incomedia can still create new templates, but without force it up to existing clients. I don’t like to be forced to redesign my website because I want to upgrade to a new version. Until now I used a template Incomedia didn't like anymore and therefore deleted it in the new version. Extra annoying is the fact you can only be sure, after installing an upgrade…
So please: create an universal general connection for all current and future templates.