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Aliaksandr K.
Aliaksandr K.

When tags: rel="nofollow" and ... ???  en

Autor: Aliaksandr K.
Visited 1610, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

when you add tags in link: rel="nofollow" and <noindex> ... </ noindex> ???

Posted on the
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

that is most being used for robots, you do not need to add that to your pages. create a robot.txt and have the robot codes over there, no follow means do not read my page and do not index my page, for example if google see that, it will not indext your page and as a resault, you will not show up in google search.

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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)

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Posted on the from Anthony A.
Aliaksandr K.
Aliaksandr K.

robot.txt for a specific page
Tag "nofollow" and <noindex> for photos, videos or links

[quote="Anthony A."]

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Posted on the from Aliaksandr K.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

No, robot.txt has different commands. go to step 4, advance setting>statics, seo> you would have little sample of robot file over there,

for example

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /captcha

* means all agent like google, msn, yahoo,etc should folow your rule

disallow means do not go to that folder

allow means go

you can create the same thing for your page

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /captcha

Disallow: /foo.html

you do not need "noindex" and "nofollow" commands, those are for html pages commands/codes

if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.


Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)

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Posted on the from Anthony A.