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Ahrens Privat
Ahrens Privat

Hauptmenü - Menüelemente ändern  de

Autor: Ahrens Privat
Visited 2487, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

Hallo und schönen Ostermontag an Alle,

die Elemente in meinem Hauptmenü zeigen einen kleinen Pfeil > Wie bekomme ich diesen weg?


Danke an alle Helfer

Posted on the
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

In der menue.css gibt es eine Zeile mit einem Bild imiconmenuleft oder so ähnlich. Diese Zeile kopieren alles zwischen den {} entfernen. display:none; dazwischen schreiben und den gesamten Code unter Schritt 4 Seo und Code zwischen <style></style> schreiben. 

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Der Zwoemti
Ahrens Privat
Ahrens Privat


wo finde ich diese menue.css?


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Ahrens Privat
Andreas S.
Andreas S.
Najlepszy Użytkownik miesiąca DE

Entweder auf deinem Server im Ordner "Style" oder in deinem Projekt Ordner -->Preview--->Style

Wird wahrscheinlich dann so aussehen

#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnLevelImg, #imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnLevelImg {display:none}

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andreas S.
Ahrens Privat
Ahrens Privat

Hallo an Euch,

danke für die Hilfe habe aber keinen Plan. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir anders helfen.


/* ######################### MENU STYLE #########################*/
#imSite { position: relative; }
#imMnMn { text-align: left; }
#imMnMn > ul { z-index: 10001; display: inline-block; }
#imMnMn li > ul { z-index: 10002; }

/* Main Menu */

#imMnMn ul, #imPgMn ul {padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none; }
#imMnMn > ul > li { position: relative; margin-top: 0px; }
#imMnMn > ul > li:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
/* Links */

/* Main Menu style */
#imMnMn > ul > li { cursor: pointer; display: block; float: left; }
#imMnMn > ul > li > a { display: block; }
#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main.png'); width: 190px; height: 38px; }
#imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg , #imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnCurrent:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_h.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnSeparator .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: none; cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnCurrent .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_h.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnFirst .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_f.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnFirst:hover .imMnMnFirstBg , #imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnFirst.imMnMnCurrent:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_f_h.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnFirst.imMnMnSeparator:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: none; cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnFirst.imMnMnCurrent .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_f_h.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnMiddle .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_m.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnMiddle:hover .imMnMnFirstBg , #imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnMiddle.imMnMnCurrent:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_m_h.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnMiddle.imMnMnSeparator:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: none; cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnMiddle.imMnMnCurrent .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_m_h.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnLast .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_l.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnLast:hover .imMnMnFirstBg , #imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnLast.imMnMnCurrent:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_l_h.png'); }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnLast.imMnMnSeparator:hover .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: none; cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnLast.imMnMnCurrent .imMnMnFirstBg { background-image: url('../menu/main_l_h.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnImg, #imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnImg { overflow: hidden; position: absolute; line-height: 38px; width: 100%; height: 38px; top: 0; text-align: left; }
#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnImg img, #imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnImg img { border: none; }
#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnLevelImg, #imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnLevelImg { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; height: 38px; line-height: 38px; width: 10px; vertical-align: middle; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('../res/imIconMenuLeft.gif'); right: 2px; }
#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnHoverIcon { display: none; }
#imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnDefaultIcon { display: none; }
#imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg .imMnMnHoverIcon { display: inline; }
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnSeparator > .imMnMnFirstBg > .imMnMnTxt { display: none; }
#imMnMn > ul > li > a { text-decoration: none; }
#imMnMn > ul > li .imMnMnFirstBg > .imMnMnTxt { overflow: hidden; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; padding-left: 4px; width: 188px; height: 38px; font: normal normal normal 13pt 'Arial Narrow'; color: #404040; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; line-height: 38px; display: block;}
#imMnMn > ul > li:hover .imMnMnFirstBg > .imMnMnTxt, #imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnCurrent:hover .imMnMnFirstBg > .imMnMnTxt { cursor: pointer; color: #0030BF;font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;}
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnCurrent .imMnMnFirstBg > .imMnMnTxt { color: #0030BF;font-weight: normal;font-style: normal;}
#imMnMn > ul > li.imMnMnSeparator { background: transparent url('../res/separatorv.png') no-repeat center center; width: 190px; height: 10px; }
#imMnMn .imMnMnFirstBg { position: relative; display: block; background-repeat: no-repeat; cursor: pointer; width: 100%; }
#imMnMn a { border: none; cursor: pointer; }
#imMnMn .imMnMnTxt { text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; }

/* SubMenu style */
#imMnMn li .imMnMnBorder { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top; width: 286px; height: 40px; border-collapse: collapse; }
#imMnMn ul ul li { cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; width: 286px; height: 40px; border-collapse: collapse; cursor: pointer; display: inline; }
#imMnMn ul ul li a { display: block; width: 286px; height: 40px; }
#imMnMn ul ul li > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li > a > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_h.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnSeparator:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnSeparator:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnFirst > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnFirst > a > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_f.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnFirst:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnFirst:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_f_h.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnFirst.imMnMnSeparator:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnFirst.imMnMnSeparator:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_f.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnMiddle > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnMiddle > a > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_m.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnMiddle:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnMiddle:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_m_h.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnMiddle.imMnMnSeparator:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnMiddle.imMnMnSeparator:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_m.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnLast > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnLast > a > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_l.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnLast:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnLast:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_l_h.png'); }
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnLast.imMnMnSeparator:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder, #imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnLast.imMnMnSeparator:hover > .imMnMnBorder { background-image: url('../menu/sub_l.png'); cursor: auto; }
#imMnMn .imMnMnImg img { vertical-align: middle; padding: 0px; border: none; }
#imMnMn li .imMnMnBorder .imMnMnImg img.imMnMnHoverIcon { display: none; }
#imMnMn li:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder > .imMnMnTxt > .imMnMnImg img.imMnMnDefaultIcon { display: none; }
#imMnMn li:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder > .imMnMnTxt > .imMnMnImg img.imMnMnHoverIcon { display: inline; }
#imMnMn .imMnMnImg { display: block; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; float: left; cursor: pointer; }
#imMnMn .imMnMnImg img { position: relative; left: -0px;}
#imMnMn ul ul li .imMnMnTxt { position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; padding-left: 3px; line-height: 40px; height: 40px; }
#imMnMn ul ul li .imMnMnLevelImg { z-index: 100; position: absolute; right: 3px; top: 0; display: block; width: 7px; height: 40px; background-image: url('../res/imIconMenuLeft.gif'); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; }

/* Normal font style */
#imMnMn ul ul .imMnMnTxt { height: 40px; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; font: normal normal 13.000pt Arial Narrow; color: #0030BF;}

/* Hover font style */
#imMnMn ul ul li:hover > a > .imMnMnBorder .imMnMnTxt,
#imMnMn > ul > li > ul li:hover a,
#imMnMn ul ul li:hover > .imMnMnBorder .imMnMnTxt,
#imMnMn > ul > li > div > ul li:hover a { text-decoration: none; color: #0030BF; }
#imMnMn ul .imMnMnSeparator, #imMnMn ul .imMnMnSeparator * { cursor: default; }

/* Section font style */
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnSeparator > a > .imMnMnBorder .imMnMnTxt,
#imMnMn > ul > li > ul li.imMnMnSeparator:hover a,
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnSeparator:hover > .imMnMnBorder .imMnMnTxt,
#imMnMn ul ul li.imMnMnSeparator > .imMnMnBorder .imMnMnTxt { text-decoration: none; color: #E0E0E0; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; }
#imMnMn ul a, #imMnMn ul a:hover, #imMnMn ul a:visited { font: inherit; color: inherit; text-align: inherit; text-decoration: none; }

/* MENU POSITION : VERTICAL VerticalAccordion */
#imMnMn ul .autoHide, #imMnMn ul div .autoHide { display: none; }

/* ######################### MAIN MENU POSITION #########################*/

/* div: Menu container*/
#imMnMn { z-index:10000; position: absolute; }

/* First level menu style */
#imMnMn > ul > li { position: relative; width:190px; }
#imMnMn > ul > li span { display:block; padding:0;}
#imMnMn a { display: block; width:190px;}

/* ########################## SUB MENU POSITION #########################*/ ul li ul li { top: 0px; }

/* Second level boxmodel*/ ul li ul { width:286px; left:190px; margin: 0px; }

/* Other sub levels*/ ul li ul li ul { position: absolute; width: 286px; left: 286px; margin-top: -40px; } li li:hover > { display:block; } li li { display: none; } > > li > ul { display: none; } > > li:hover > ul { display: block; }
#imMnMn ul ul li .imMnMnBorder { overflow: hidden; }

/* End of file menu.css */

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Ahrens Privat
Andreas S.
Andreas S.
Najlepszy Użytkownik miesiąca DE

Das bringt uns nichts. Wie du darin siehst ist der Selektor vorhanden und du kannst meinen Code oben in den Head unter "4" Seo&Code ---´>  Erweitert reinschreiben!

Zwischen <style>...</style>  natürlich !

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Andreas S.
Ahrens Privat
Ahrens Privat

@ Zwoemti @Andreas

Danke für eure Hilfe. Ihr wart mir eine GROSSE Hilfe.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Ahrens Privat