Email form data not being sent or received 
Autor: Nataliya J.
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My website is not sending the data collected on forms to my email. There have been many tests conducted using the different mail suggestions you have made. Am now running phpmailer. However the program IS sending the acknowledgments but not the completed form to us.
I have checked all email addresses, the spam and junk folders in case they have ended up there.
I am running php 5.3.3 on a dedicated linux server which has the centos operating system.
Posted on the
We made atest and getting theconfirmation e-mailand sent the copy totheiremail address (cs43@....),should workas long as theire-mail addressisok.
Hi JJ,
Thanks for that. Yes, the confirmation emails are being sent from the site, and I received the copy you sent me but I still never received the original direct from the website.
Email address is fine, I have tested it a number of times. The website is only sending the confirmation emails.
Pleasemakeaprint screenfrom the objectE-mail form-Send,
sowe cansee whathas been set.
If you specifytheHostertimeande-mail addresswhereanemailfromthe home pagehas been sent,it canthe(error)protocols reading theretotodetermine ifserver settingsareinphporemailwrong.
Regards JJ.
Hi JJ,
Attached is a screenshot as requested
Theemail addressL0okm3@...appears to be invalid,please usea valid email address
L0.. or LO.. ..okm3 O or Null ? all invalid !?
Hi JJ,
I have now set up completely new email addresses for all forms. that one is now liason I have tested and retested all the new email addresses and everything is fine.
I am still not receiving the form data but the confirmations are being sent with the data in them. Has got me more than just a little puzzled.
Is there any code missing from this or that needs replacing to send both confirmation email to client and data input mail to us ?
if(@$_POST['action'] != 'check_answer') {
if(!isset($_POST['imJsCheck']) || $_POST['imJsCheck'] != 'jsactive' || (isset($_POST['imCpt']) && !isset($_POST['imCptHdn'])) || (isset($_POST['imSpProt']) && $_POST['imSpProt'] != ""))
$form->mailToOwner($_POST['imObjectForm_2_9'] != "" ? $_POST['imObjectForm_2_9'] : '***', '***', 'Employment Application', 'New Employment Application', true);
$form->mailToCustomer('***', $_POST['imObjectForm_2_9'], 'Your Employment Application', 'Thank you for applying for employment with Drivers Unlimited.
Youhave problems withspam,your domain is registeredas aspamserverandthe e-mailswill be rejected!
This is not aproblemwithWebsitex5.SolvetheSpamBlock.
I went to that link and input both ip addy and domain name seperately but in neither case are they listed as spam servers.
second one
ok,sowasreleased,I sent2emailstotestsafety,tobookings@...andcs43@....beif they had toarrivearrivedtheemailsfromcontact forms.
Yesterday Ireceiveda messagefromSpamhauswaslockedtheirdomain, sothe abovemessage toyou.Apparentlythishas been releasedquickly.
Hi JJ,
Still nothing coming in from the website, but I received both your emails. So the problem still exists somewhere.
Have youchecked with thehoster,we hadbeforethe problem thatsettings on the serverhavetheemailsfromthe websiteeasilyswallowed.
If youtimelyindicating thetime/email addressessentfromawebsite,the hostershould be able toread the logentry.
yes, have checked that. There is nothing in place that would prevent the emails,
If there was something, then even the confirmation emails would not be sent.
It is a dedicated server that I have from GoDaddy, it is not a shared or virtual where they have control
IftheHosterconfirmed thatthe e-mails(bothforwritersandrecipients)were sentcorrectlyfromthe home page,thendisappearlater,but where......
WithmanyWebsiteX5HompagesEmailFormsare usedok
Show her for other Posts Keyword "GoDaddy" with SMTP and more Problems
Hello Nataliya,
If the hosting provider sees no errors in the email server then the website generated the emails correctly and all should arrive. If an email is then blocked they should be able to see on the logs if and why the email has been rejected.
IF the code used by the program would not work then the hosting provider would have told you there is an error.
I would suggest to request them to check the logs so if there is something which blocks the emails or part of it the error can be found and in case also solved.
On the logs the hosting provider is able to see all the actions done and see what exactly happens when an email is sent.
All depends on the configuration of the hosting provider and their mail server. The program uses or the php mail() function or the PHP Mailer library. Both works correctly on the most hosting providers and in case this is not working it depends on a different configuration than the standard one but only the hosting provider is able to tell you this.
Many thanks!