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Chernyshova T.
Chernyshova T.

Users settings, updates and Entrance page errors.  ru

Autor: Chernyshova T.
Visited 2485, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  


I’m working with Access Management and found some errors there.

1-st: If I set the automatic registration the Update button doesn’t work. It doesn’t add the users who were registered by themselves. Please look at the attached image. But it still adds them to the database. I can see them in control panel of website.

2-nd: The Entrance Page for the different users. I tried to create different Enteracne pages for different users but none of the is shown after the log in.

As I understand, after they enter their login and password on http:mywebsite/imlogin.php page, they should be transferred to the Entrance page which is indicated in user’s settings. But it doesn’t work.

What should I do to make it work?

Posted on the
Александр К.
Александр К.

When a user visits apagewithrestricted contenthe dolgenenter your usernameand password. Checkin control panel,is trueifthe connection to the database, is there apublicfolderinwrite permission, complies with theversion ofphp

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Posted on the from Александр К.
Chernyshova T.
Chernyshova T.

Thanks a lot. But everething is fine there 

I've tried to indicate the public folder, but after found out that everething was already ok with that and It wasn't nesesary to crate it.

Please look at the attached files. 

The thing is that there is conection to the database and there is no any problems with that. And it shows new registered customers in database. But just doesn't let the program to update the list of them.

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Posted on the from Chernyshova T.
Claudio D.

Hello Chernyshova T.,

Try to check if the antivirus/firewall is blocking the program from connecting to the server to download the users. Try to set the program in the wehitelist to be able to connect and then try again to see if it works.

For the publich fodler add only the name of the folder and not the entire URL so it will use the correct public folder.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Chernyshova T.
Chernyshova T.

Dear Claudio D.

Thanks a lot for your reply. I've tried to turn off the the antivirus, but it didn't help me. As a result I'l make the manual registration, not the automatic. 

As for the Entrance page, I still can't get how it works. If the login widget is on the not protected page - it transports me to the Entrance page which is indicated in the account settings. If I try to get access to the protected page - after autorizig it leads me to this protected page. 

As I see, the enterance page will apear only If I'm trying to login with the login widget. Not with the form for getting access to the protected page.

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Posted on the from Chernyshova T.
Claudio D.

Hello Chernyshova T.,

the behaviour of the entrance page is correct. If you use the widget then it brings you to the entrance page you have set but if you try to access directly to the page and then login it opens this page.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Chernyshova T.
Chernyshova T.

Dear Claudio.

I found out how it works. Now everething is fine.

Thanks a lot.

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Posted on the from Chernyshova T.