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A A.
A A.

CSS code works in the HTML object but doesn't globally  en

Autor: A A.
Visited 2180, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  

Hello Support,

I found that if I place the following code in the Expert tab of HTML object it works as expected:

h1, h2 {display: inline-block;}

However if I place the same code in the Statistics, SEO and code it does not remove newline after <h1> and <h2> tags. I tried placing the code in the HEAD section as well as in all other places (out of frustration). Please do not tell me that this is the custom code and therefore you do not support it. The problem is very clearly lays with Website X5 v13 pro if I am putting the css code in the correct place.

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Max,

In the Statistic, SEO and code you need to specify it is css code by adding it between <style> and </style>

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
A A.
A A.

Hello Claudio,

Thank you for the responce. You suggestion worked - after adding <style>h1 {display: inline-block;font-size: 22px;}</style> in the HEAD of Statistic, SEO and Code css styling is recognized globally.

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Posted on the from A A.