Project crash 
Autor: Andrzej K.
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I have the same problem - Polish Promise knows more about it and also have my crashed project - it has done after manual changing names of pages
In February it was the same with another project - Promise also knows details but that time they repaired project.
Posted on the
So Claudio - we have problems because company Promise couldn't repair my broken project. I have lost several hours for building it, I don't know why your programm crashed and why it destroyed my project - by the way. Programm crashed - ok, it could happen but destroying my project??? The first aim for you, your programm and your programmers is saving project in such situations or doing backups that work. It costs money and time...
Question is simple - can you restore my project? If not I am waiting for refund for my lost project and my lost time.
And of course reason of two crashes in two projects - probably because of giving manual names of pages...
Two incidents in two different projects are not a coincidence.
Hello Andrzej K.,
Can you please explain me what exactly happened when the program crashed?
Have you tried to restore a backup of the project by clicking on the backup button after having selected the project?
Many thanks!
With present project programm crashed after manual changing of two pages and run showing website in internal browser. After that I tried run programm and open project - information as in attached picture. I tried to restore with backup - thinking a moment and the same situation.
Time before Promise opened project and could save is as it was before crash. With this project there is noting from my project and I am a little furious because I stop with project and probably I need to do it one more time to finish till the end of week so I wrote in topic
Hello Andrzej K.,
I replied you on and we can continue on this topic.
Many thanks!