Has X5 v13 fixed bad Application crash "Updating Responsive Grid" of X5 v12 
Autor: Cahal WinstonI have been loyal user of X5 many years now.
I like it until V12.
I am using X5 v12, not happy with bad coding from programmers
always crashing, losing my work, nearly every use.
Application crash "Updating Responsive Grid"... freezes until I terminate X5 process.
So what, I have empty cells, I want these there, X5 program should easily accomodate
I got v12 for phone compatible design.
Now I have to turn off Responsive Grid to use the program... rubbish work-around!
I dont want to use this stupid work-round.
I want program that works!.. like it is advertised as doing!
Very bad program design, not fit for use for phone design.
Very unhappy!
No more updates for V12 to fix.. I have latest update.
Will there be a correctional fix for users suckered into buying V12?
Or do we have to buy V13 for a fix.. if it is fixed at all or maybe still broken!
Confirm please this is fixed for good with V13
Confirm please a fix will be issued for V12 dummies like me who purchased thinking it would make phone profile website.
Replies welcome
I still maintain 18 websites in V12, and all are responsive. The program is stable and I have never lost any work.
If you wish to have empty cells then that's fine unless it causes instability. It is not hard to place a text object in a cell, add a space and a carriage return. Then the cell will not be empty.
Are your issues all with projects imported from V11 or earler and if this is the case, did you export from V11 and import to V12 or simply open the old project in V12.
If the problem is suspected of being caused by upgrading from an earlier version, you could recreate your site by using copy and paste from either your published site or have WX5 V11 running alongside V12.
Due to the release and maintenance of V13, there will be no further updates to V12.
From what I can see, this is your only post and therefore the first time we have been aware you are having issues, can you provide details of specific issues you are having, complete with error messages if possible and screen shots if appropriate?
Have a great day.
Thank you for your response, I do appreciate it, though am not satisfied by it.
You and I know V12 program has a problem with empty cells!
This is a problem with this programming. I use the program within its scope.
I do not want a work around, I require a fix to this known, documented and annoying issue.
I am not the only person with this problem, both I and you can read threads & can google, so wasting my time with screen shots is pointless, as issue is known, documented & has been refused to be fixed.
I am not happy with this 'Work around", as stated.
I would be happy with a fix to the known bad programming.
My question remains unanswered:
Does this bad programming issue still exist in V13?
Why would I buy an upgrade in the "hope" a known problem is fixed, a problem that was refused to be fixed in V12 - where & when it should have been.
I have upgraded from version to version over many years now and enjoying the concept of this program, just not its crashing, with this know problem.
Abandoning existing V12 users , a very recent edition of this program, is not a good way of doing business. Bad form. Supporting at least the prior version for minimum of two releases is ususal and acceptable protocol. i.e. V12 should be supported until V14 is released... this way we know V13 is stable & working and existing problems of V12 (like this) have been fixed.
Thanks for your time in responding.
Happy Easter 2017 to all!
..I will put a return & space at the end of this, in case the post crashes :)
Cahal, why don't you download V13 and test to see if your issues are resolved? It has some great new features and effects, not the least of which is absolute control over header and footer content in responsive modes.
Does this bad programming issue still exist in V13? - if you mean to ask, does v13 crash on some people? Then the answer is yes. But that is like asking does Windows crash on some people. For me, V13 has been extremely stable for half a dozen or more websites that I have imported from V12 to date.
Version 12 is still supported. If you have an issue, Incomedia staff will help you fix it and so will users like myself, but this may occasionally require "work-arounds".
For what it is worth, I never had issues with V12. Of the 18 projects I upgraded from V11 or earlier, I only had to recreate one. I never found out why, but one project always caused instability in V12, when I recreated it from scratch (with a few empty cells :-) it behaved flawlessly and still does. I suspect asking Incomedia to fix issues in V12 now that V13 has been released is a bit like asking them to provide an update to V11 so it produces responsive websites.
Thanks again for your reesponse.
I don't regard myself as a Beta Tester, so I do prefer to buy software already baked, not assist with a cooking process. As such, I can't say I'm keen in the download it, try it test it .. if it works it works, if it doesn't, then bad luck. I am not a new user trialing or rejecting the program. I have invested time and money with X5 and have an expectation my sites should & will work between version, and there is improvement between versions. This has not been my experience between V11 and V12.
Trailing X5 v13 is time consuming. Having to totally re-do the website, again, from scratch I do not see as a fix, nor work around. If this were a free/open source program, I'd have different expectations. X5 is not open source, it is pay-for, so I do have a level of expectation.. in particular that it's new features do not crash.
Your analogy comparing this to a Windows crash is not a good one, as Windows is an OS platform, not a stand-alone program and infintely more complex, also being subject to expected interoperability issues. X5 is standalone, it should accomodate variables and operational parameters from within its own operational code.
I acknowledge you have many stable websites, I don't. I have only 2 sites, one crashes the program, one does not.
The facts are the stand-alone program code doesn't work well in some situations for existing data. X15 should have either entry limiters or clean-up routine during upgrades or compiling. My X5 11 sites didn't crash the program. It is a Responsive Grid coding problem, as stated.
I do understand few programs are perfect and many need tweaking, but I also recognize clear cut proramming code faults, like this. Such things in paid for products should be fixed through updates, not dismissed, sorry. I have generated many complex databases in Access, never have my code crashed the Access program - If i made a coding error, it'd reject the code, or my output would be junk.. but Access never crashed because of it. X5 crashes.. that's bad!
I'll just turn off Responsive Grid until editing is complete, then turn it back on when all editing is done (this doesn't produce a crash). The program crashing is an on-the-fly Responsive Grid updating hanging error, that manifests when clicking on "non-empty" cells (not a blank cell) in the editing process. This reinforces a programming issue, not introduced or broken/corrupt entries.
(BTW, X5 program has been uninstalled & reinstalled... same same)
Don't get me wrong, X5 V12 isn't totally dysfunctional, and I do like the program and its ease of use, it just lacks adequate updates to known problems, which doesn't give me confidence in buying the upgrade to V13.
Good luck Cahal. I won't use Microsoft Office because of the same instability issues on my PC (although only with one or two documents that I really should recreate :-)