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Luigi S.
Luigi S.

Generic error e-commerce  it

Autor: Luigi S.
Visited 1223, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

salve, chiedo aiuto perchè non so come risolvere il problema non funziona l invio e-mail tramite modulo e non va nemmeno l' e-commerce -utilizzo website x5 v12-

messaggio di errore

setField('Nome', $_POST['imObjectForm_11_1'], '', false); $form->setField('Cognome', $_POST['imObjectForm_11_2'], '', false); $form->setField('E.mail', $_POST['imObjectForm_11_3'], '', false); $form->setField('', $_POST['imObjectForm_11_4'], '', false); if(@$_POST['action'] != 'check_answer') { if(!isset($_POST['imJsCheck']) || $_POST['imJsCheck'] != 'jsactive' || (isset($_POST['imSpProt']) && $_POST['imSpProt'] != "")) die(imPrintJsError()); $form->mailToOwner($_POST['imObjectForm_11_3'] != "" ? $_POST['imObjectForm_11_3'] : '***', '***', '', '', false); @header('Location: ../index.html'); exit(); } else { echo $form->checkAnswer(@$_POST['id'], @$_POST['answer']) ? 1 : 0; } } // End of file

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