Animated GIF not working 
Autor: Alan C.
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I am using Evolution V13. When I insert an animated GIF file as an image it does not animate.
Any clues?
Posted on the
Hello Alan
This is an error and they ( INCOMEDIA ) should fix it. There is a workaround.
Upload the the gif-image "manually" via FTP.
Then in the image settings use "internet file" instead of "Local file".
Then the GIG is animated.
Hope this is helpful or solves your problem - well it does not solve it correct ( but I hope INCOMEDIA will fix this bug)
Kind regards
John S.
(Translated by Google)
In the content of the page, in Image Object, (or text object or table object), Animated GIF Images should not be resized and used in native measurements, or attach the image to the project (Expert Panel) and use the URL: files/filename.gif
Or use the URL absolute (see John S.).
Or they can be attached to the project, via the HTML Object Object, Expert Panel, leaving "files" as the default destination, and use the HTML panel, for example, the following code:
<Img src = "files/filename.gif" width = "300" />
In Header and Footer, Animated GIF Images are merged and frozen with the background. In these cases, to see the animation, you must do as previously mentioned, attach the GifAnim image and use the HTML object (</>) in the Header (Footer), typing the same previous code with the appropriate measures.
Hello to all
(IT) - Nel contenuto delle pagina, in Oggetto Immagine, (o oggetto testo o oggetto tabella), le immagini GIF Animate, non devono essere ridimensionate, e devono essere usate nella misure native, oppure allegare l'immagine al progetto (pannello Esperto) ed usare l'URL: files/nomefile.gif
oppure usare l'URL assoluto (vedi John S.).
Oppure possono essere allegate al progetto, tramite l'Oggetto Codice HTML, pannello Esperto, lasciando "files" come destinazione proposta per default, ed usare nel pannello HTML pr esempio il seguente codice:
<img src="files/nomeimmagine.gif" width="300" />
In Intestazione e nel piè di pagina l'immagini GIF Animata viene fusa e congelata con lo sfondo. In questi casi per vedere l'animazione occorre fare come detto precedentemente, allegare l'immagine GifAnim ed usare in Intestazione (Piè di pagina) l'oggetto HTML (</>), digitando lo stesso precedente codice, con le misure opportune.
ciao a tutti
Hello Alan,
If the image is bigger than what shown on the page and the program needs to resize it then it is automatically converted to a static image since there is no functionality to edit animated gif files. You need to have the gif file of the exact size like it will appear on the page so there will be no need to adapt it which removes the animation and shows only the first frame.
Many thanks!
This post is
It should be possible to resize a GIF without editing it. You also don't need to edit a jpg image to show it in different sizes.
It is a function you have because you actually save it as a new image.
If the program feels it has to edit the GIF, then there should be a function that asks the user : Image need to be edited - do you want to upload as is, and then insert as URL ? ( this should happen when inserting in the object )
It could be only for the type of GIF that you are asked.
I know you edit the images - if you need the same image more times on your site then the SAME image is uploaded x- times.
You have to manually upload the image once and then "reuse" it - could be a good thing if the progranm could handle this a smarter way. If you were asked also for other file-types, then you could copy the URL and paste it next time you needed the same image.
Kind regards
John S.
The former post was mostly for Claudio/INCOMEDIA
Hello John,
The developers will take it in consideration for the future releases.
At the moment it is not present a gif editor and the program is set to optimize the images for the web which can require to resize them if you use a bigger image than the available space and in case of gif files this removes the animation since it cannot edit gif files.
Many thanks!