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Ron B.
Ron B.

Incomedia are applying the Australian 10% GST  en

Autor: Ron B.
Visited 1955, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  

I notice that Incomedia are applying the Australian 10% GST to the purchase even though the application of GST to overseas internet purchases doesn't start until 1st July 2018.

Who gets the 10%?

Can I buy without the GST being applied?

Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ron, a better question is, what are incomedia doing with the 10% at this time, and do they intend to refund it since the introduction of GST on overseas purchases worth less than $1000 has been delayed.  I'd settle for my refund in the form of credits :-)

In the unlikely event you are registered to charge GST, you can of course claim the GST component back.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Ron B.
Ron B.

Thanks for the reply Esahc.

No, I can't claim the GST component.  Re credits, I suppose I could buy something, e.g., a template.   I seem to have two accounts and my last credit expired before I could use it as it was on the other account. I can't remember the details.

Can I update from V11 to V14 without buying the intervening versions?

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Posted on the from Ron B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ron, after the release of V14 I am sure Incomedia will update the "Offers to you" under your profile. I will be surprised if it is cheaper than the "buy V13 now, get V14 for free".

I know what you mean about credits, I'm sitting on 59 since Incomedia made an offer "that was too good to refuse" about 4 months ago. I don't see much point in templates, but a number of their widgets have my attention.

I will ask the question about unnecessary GST on this forum (feel free to join in), but I doubt we'll get the answer before you have to make the decision.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Esahc ..
Ron B.
Ron B.

Thanks Esahc.  I've placed my order.



Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Ron B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Wish us both luck :-)

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Esahc ..
Claudio D.

Hello Ron,

The orders are processed by Cleverbridge and I would suggest you to contact directly Cleverbridge at *** where they will be able to explain you better about it and in case tell you how to proceed.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Ron B.
Ron B.

OK, thanks Claudio


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Ron B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Ron, in case you ever revisit this post (& for anyone else questioning the impost of the 10% GST on digital purchases to Australian customers), GST is sadly payable and Incomedia have no choice.

I was initally verbally advised by the ATO that the GST on these purchases was not compulsory, however, when I requested written advise I received the following:-

Thank you for your enquiry, apologies for not responding earlier.

There is some confusion in the media about the start dates for 2 international GST measures.

To clarify, GST will apply:

*  from 1 July 2017 for suppliers of imported services and digital products (i.e. overseas services and products that are electronically supplied, transmitted, downloaded, streamed, etc) : and

*  from 1 July 2018 for suppliers of low value imported goods (i.e. physical goods that are shipped to Australia in parcels).

From 1 July 2017, supply of inbound intangibles (such as software) to Australian consumers will be connected with Australia (and therefore compulsory).

An entity is an Australian consumer of a supply made to the entity if:

(a)  the entity is an Australian resident (other than an entity that is an Australian resident solely because the definition of Australia in the ITAA 1997 includes the external Territories); and

(b)  the entity:

(i)  is not registered; or

(ii)  if the entity is registered--the entity does not acquire the thing supplied solely or partly for the purpose of an enterprise that the entity carries on.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..