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Paul A.
Paul A.

Where is the Feature List for v14  en

Autor: Paul A.
Visited 1969, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

Having purchased v14 Pro... I was surprised to reveive an email this morning Wed 11th Oct to say it had been realeased.

Having downloaded and installed it... I can't see any of the so called "80 New Features"...

Perhaps, X% would like to explai ewhat they are and realease some documentation...?

Paul Ashbury

Posted on the
Paul A.
Paul A.

Typo Errors on Post... last line should read.

Perhaps, X5 would like to explain what they are and release some documentation...?

And wh=y can't we edited Posts...?

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Paul A.
Claudio D.

Hello Paul,

you find a list with the main new functionalities on this link:

At the moment it is not possible to edit the posts. You can always add the correction on a new reply.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Paul A.
Paul A.

Hi Claudio... thanks for your reply....

That is a list of 10 things... not a list of 80 NEW features....

When will the documentation be available...?

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Posted on the from Paul A.
Claudio D.

Hello Paul,

Yes it will be published a document with the details about the 80 new features but at the moment I cannot tell you when this will happen. In any case as soon as it will be available we will notify it through our official channels like the Help Center.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.