Import project from Evolution 13 into Evolution 14 problems 
Autor: E.G. Teljeur
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I have imported a project made in evolution 13 into the new evolution 14. I encounter two problems.
1] On one page the menu does not show.
2] On the main page the Metatag-code for the Google Search Console is shown on top of the page. Removing it from the advanced page with the delete function makes no difference.
Any sugestions ?
Posted on the
. . . you did read how to adapt imported projects to v14 and other changes done by Inco ?
Yes I did, it seems to me that it's straight forward. Export from 13 Import in 14.....
Is it possible to provide a link to the existing site and a screen shot of both the missing menu and visible code?
This is the existing site but that one was made with Evolution 13. I've not uploaded the Evolution 14 version
On the screenshot you can see on top the code and the inserted picture is when the media option from the menu is chosen. The menu object is placed in the header.
It looks llike the media menu option has picked up the open in showbox window rather than open in same window. Is this an imported menu? If it is, you could remove it and then place the new menu object back in it's place.
For the code you will need someone cleverer than I am, but it appears that the html code has found it's way to the wrong place during the upgrade. As an interim measure, in step 2 template, template structure, page background. If you set the top margin to zero does this hide the code?
I will try to remove the menu and place a new one. For the code, that is for shure ine the wrong place.
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<meta name="description" content="De Soundwave Studio is een kleine opname studio in Wijdenes die zich richt op de muzikant met een klein budget. Er wordt gewerkt met een vaste prijs afspraak, dus geen vervelende kosten achteraf meer. 20 jaar ervaring in opname techniek, mixing en mastering staan garant voor een perfect eindresultaat. " />
<meta name="keywords" content="Recording, Opnemen, Muziek, cd maken, vinyl, mastering, mixen, digitaal, ProTools, Studio, cd master, vinyl master, art work, cd art work, website maken, website ontwikkelen, geluidsopname, cd opnemen, drechterland, wijdenes, Femke Bloem, Jeannete Maria, Marcel Visser, lp persen, vinyl persen, muziek opnemen, geluidsstudio, muziekstudio" />
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I removed the old menu and placed a new menu object in the header. Same problem, no menu in the media page.
You may wish to (temporarily) remove the google code from your V13 project before export to IWZIP, and then add it back to V14 after import. Similarly, I would try removing the music sampler code on the Media page to see if that is interferring with the menu display.
Failing that I am sure Incomedia will be able to assist after the weekend.
Removing the google code in v13 before exporting did work, and removing the music sampler object and then adding did also work. That said, I think the the devs should look into it anyway.
E.G. I am always impressed by how few issues there are following a major update :-)