Firewall blocking processes and gives some popups like "eset bloked"
Autor: A S.Hallo Claudio/Andre,
As I told several times before I have a problem with closing WX5pro V12, 13 and 14.
Sometimes after starting up, somtimes after a few minutes. For sure, the programs did not work 15 minutes continuously. In the few last post i mentioned that the program closed 10 or 15 times within 10 minutes.
When I want to save the project I first have to click on the green ceck mark and than on the save button. Sometime that works, but when i changed a few things in the website it offen went wrong and the program closed.
I noticed that there were some firewall popups and I think that could be the problem.
Firewall blocking processes and gives some popups like "eset bloked"
Also it menytioned locations in the image folder of the websiteproject.
So a few years ago, I already add the programexe of WX5 as trusted in my eset virusprotection, but that seems to be not enough.
Now when I temperarely switch of my firewall the closing problem of WX5 stays away for more than I normaly used to know.
What can I do to prevent my firewall to interrupt WX5?
greetings AS
Well A.S. I am glad that you have found a course that is a very good to know.
I don't know what firewall you have. If you set x5 as trusted it should work fine.
But you say it's not, maybe check with the firewall creator? i can set my firewall on asking for all items that are in or out going. I use this normallly and check things myself. I can then set to accept it or not after that the same in/out put is not asked again. At start you are clicking and checking a lot but after a while you get a nice running firewal, maybe you have a setting like that?
I use G-data for many years now and I am very pleased with it, it's fast and it hasen't missed any strange thing's - to my best knowladge....- (knocking on wood)
Hello A S.,
Is this issue happening with a specific project or you gewt the same message from the firewall also with new ones?
It could be a custom HTML code in the project is trying to open an URL which is then blocked.
Many thanks!