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Giorgio B.
Giorgio B.

How to upload a PDF file that can be downloaded by the Download button  en

Autor: Giorgio B.
Visited 1357, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

The download button doesn't work as I imagin it should do.

I select on my fPC folder the PDF i would like to get downloaded from my website.

I save. I upload the modifications, but it from the web site I am not able to get it downloaded.

What am I dooing wrong?
Thank you for helping

Posted on the
John S.
John S.

Hello Giorgio

The download button on your site, also NOT work for me. However - as it is a PDF - the easiest way to handle PDF is to simply have them as a link. This way you can just FTP the PDF if it is edited. You don't need the download-object.

When having it as a link, the user will see the pdf, and he will have the option to download it. You can have it as a link on an image.

How is your download button set up ?

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
Claudio D.

Hello Giorgio B.,

As it seems PHP is not working correctly on your hosting space and this is the cause of the not working download button.

Check please if there are any issues on your hosting space on the PHP support since it is required to make the download button work.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
PG  B.

Hello John and Claudio.

Sorry for the my delay in thanking you for your kind suggestions: I had to reinstall my pc. 

To John: I have a small site for a sport club and I cann not undestand how the link would work if my PC is off.

To Claudio,

it sounds very professional. I do not know what aa PHP is. I will try to contact my provider.

Happy new Year to you both!

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Posted on the from PG B.
John S.
John S.

Hello PG B.

You upload your PDF-file to your site via FTP. You could create a folder named files ( if not there already ).

When you have uploaded the file you create a link on a text or an image, and that's it.

This is a very common way to present PDF-files on a site.

This will work without even if the PHP-"service" is not working on your hosting space.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Hello again

I will try here beneath to show what I mean.

Click beneath, and a PDF should be shown in a new window

Click here

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Just tried it and it works for me.

This way you can in X5 link to a PDF where you want.

You can give an image a pdf-link or you can give some text a pdf-link - whatever you want.

You can in X5 have the pdf-link to open in the same window, in a pop-up or in a new window.

How did I make this :

I uploaded the pdf-file to my site via FTP.

I then linked to this file.

Kind regards

John S.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

I know this does not solve your problem with your download-button - but you could use this as a workaround until your provider solves the php-problem.

Only thing you won't have is the counter for the downloads. But you can make an image as a download button, and then a link to a pdf-file.

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Posted on the from John S.
Giorgio B.
Giorgio B.

Dear John,

thank you very much for your kind efforts to help a dummy.

My goal is to have on the site a PDG that vistors can download.

I choose WebsiteX5 because I am not able to manage PHPs´, upload to my website, workarounds and similars :-).

It works great for me: exportt to the website, done! Perfect, until the PDF.

I am waiting for the answer of my provider. I bet that he will say that from his side is all perfect. :-)

Thank you very much for your efforts and wishes of Happy New Year


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Posted on the from Giorgio B.