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Ramon E.
Ramon E.

The cart with PayPal does not work  en

Autor: Ramon E.
Visited 1944, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

The websiteX5 cart does not work with PayPal, PayPal demands 


And the website car, according to the PayPal technical service that has answered me, works with


I do not know where to change this parameter, but I have 2 web pages that can not be charged by PayPal and it is a very serious problem that disables WebsiteX5 and discourages the use of your program for virtual stores. I have asked in Spanish but I have no solutions.

If you do not give me solution, I'm sorry but I'll have to stop using websiteX5 and look for another program that is compatible with PayPal. Attached PayPal error with your cart

Ramón Escartín

Posted on the
Jorge M.
Jorge M.

Hola Ramon E.

Prueba código personalizado para la V12:

Código personalizado para PayPal versiones 12  anteriores:


Hello Ramon E.

I know how desperate it is to need a correct answer already. But you must understand that you have to follow the rules and be patient, the Staff of Incomedia is answering your question:

And you are in a queue of attention, you must continue there and first solve the V13, because the Staff of Incomedia will not answer for the V.12


  • Do not ask for support of V.12. Request support for V.13
  • Do not open repeated questions like this one: https: //
  • Continue on the original question:
  • You want the Incomedia Staff to attend: Open a private question.

I close this topic, it is already open several times, be patient or open private topics that are not moderate, the moderators must close repeated topics, this (even if it is in English) is repeated several times.

At this moment the Staff of Incomedia works in multiple answers and it is better that they concentrate one at a time.
Continue in the original or open a private theme.

Jorge M.

---------Traductor de Google------------

Hola Ramon E.
Se lo desesperado que es necesitar una respuesta correcta ya. Pero debes de comprender que hay que seguir las reglas y tener paciencia, el Staff está atendiendo tu pregunta:

Ya estás en una cola de atención, debes de seguir ahí y primero resuelve la V13, porque el Staff de Incomedia no va a responder por la V.12


Cierro este tema, ya está abierto varias veces, ten paciencia o abre temas privados que esos no son moderados, los moderadores debemos cerrar temas repetidos, este (así esté en inglés) está varias veces repetido.

En este momento el Staff de Incomedia trabaja en multiples respuestas y es mejor que se concentren de una en una.
Continúa en la original o abre un tema privado.

Jorge M.

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