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Terry  R.
Terry R.

I can't receive e-mails sent from my website's e-mail form  en

Autor: Terry R.
Visited 2155, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  


I am not receiving e-mails sent from my website's e-mail form.

It used to work with x513 but since I upgraded to x514 it is not working. This is really frustrating and I need it sorting out as These emails are important to me.

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

You can test this in your admin panel.

you can reach it with login in x5 (acces management) and set / admin behind your website adress.

Also you can change the server settings for mailing this usually helps. (step1 settings, advanced TAB -> data management.

select a lower script, upload and test, or use the testpanel as described above.

hope this helps.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Terry  R.
Terry R.

I know  what the problem is now. they are going to the spam folder for some reason. I have 3 websites all with contact forms and they are going into the spam folder. they never used to do that.

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Posted on the from Terry R.
Andre E
Andre E

Well good thing that you have sorted this out, but now the next item arrives.

You need to find out why, are there strange words or items in the mail when you have received the form?

mayby in the name from the email?

Is it the same spamfilter? Is there some setting that has been changed there?

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Posted on the from Andre E
Terry  R.
Terry R.


Nothing has changed other than updating the x5 software, could it be something changed in their update?

I have tried absoloutly everything in outlook express 13, but I cannot stop them from going into the spam folder. This is where the form comes from web28859 <web28859@cgi>; on behalf of; *** and i cannot add this into the safe senders list. This is really annoying. I am fairly clued up with computers but this has got me scratching my head. The web form is on a php page just as it has always been. This is happening on every site that I have built with a form on it. 

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Posted on the from Terry R.
Claudio D.

Hello Terry,

Try to change email script type as example by using authenticated SMTP so it won't be seen as spam since it has been authenticated.

This depends on the email service you are using which probably wants know authenticated emails otherwise these will be seen as spam.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Terry  R.
Terry R.

Don't understand that bit. I am using microsoft office outlook express 2013 to recieve the emails.


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Posted on the from Terry R.
Claudio D.

Hello Terry,

You need to ask to for the SMTP connection data and then go to step 1 - data management and select as email script "Authenticated SMTP" and enter the SMTP connection data you received and export the project online.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.