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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Improved backup and recovery  en

Autor: Esahc ..
Visited 1997, Followers 2, Udostępniony 0  

Even with a full complement of backups at hand I would have lost a number of projects in V14 (I keep a selection of exported projects which I am able to call on in case of catastrophe). There are obviously a number of project files in the current backup procedure that can become corrupt, but are not included.

Has there been any thought given to using the export function as the backup (when available these ALWAYS restore the project) and adding an incremental number or date to each?

These would be a godsend to people who don't read the manual when updating (a problem which could be exacerbated by the new Update Protection), as well as providing bullet proof recovery, especially if this could be automated rather than requiring a specific action.

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