V15 pro freezing 
Autor: Michael O.
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I like V15 pro very much but I have a freezing problem.
I imported a website from V11. Some of the pages I copied and pasted into a new V15 pro project.
Sometimes, when I try to edit the the pasted text, V15 freezes and I have to open the task manager and close the programme.; this has now happened four times in different text boxes.
After rebooting, I will not have a problem for a few hours - then it will happen again.
Is there a bug?
Posted on the
Michael, it depends what you are doing. You have probably brought v11 in and created a responsive project??
Many things you do will severely stress your hardware, for instance, changing the header contents requires updating every page for every possible resolution.
I would do 2 things.
First I would export the new project from v15 and create an iwzip, then I would import the newly created iwzip (this will not overwrite the existing v15 project and frequently has a "cleansing" effect).
Then I would take advantage of the free optimiser (just in case your existing site is "image rich").
To do this, export you new v15 project (yourproject 1) again, then open this in optimiser and run it at least on the second option. Then open yourproject 1_optimized.iwzip and see if the project is stable.
If it's not, please advise, we may need to look at some basic housekeeping on your hard disk..
Thank you.
I exported and imported as you suggested.
They now edit normally.
I planned to wait until the project is complete before optimising - is it better to optimise frequently during the design process?
Michael, it is not necessary to optimise frequently, and the second option should not affect your ability to continue to modify or resize images as required, but if your old site has large images (& perhaps lots of them), v14 / v15 will not cope well.