Videos can't be played in the preview browser in Evolution 14 and 15 
Autor: Hans B.In version 13 I had the problem, that the the videos could not be played in the preview browser. After advice I installed Flash Player for both Chromium and Firefox, and it solved the problem. As far as I remember, it was in fact the installation for Firefox that was decisive.
In version 14 and 15 the videos can't be played either, and I installed the latest versions of Flash Player for both Chromium and Firefox, but that made no difference, the videos can't be played in the preview browser.
Another question is why the videos can't be played in full screen, when they are played in in Explorer, when I play them from my website. I am using Windows 7 and the latest version of Explorer for Windows 7. So far I have only exported the website from version 13.
Kind regards
Hans Bruun-Jensen
Hans, because you are using Evolution, your only option to preview videos is to export your project (step 5, export to disk), then browse to the export folder (windows explorer) and double click on the index file. This will open your site in the default browser.
You should also be aware that recent changes to youtube may be affecting or limiting playback
To take my last point first and to avoid misunderstandings, then I mean that when I open my website in Windows Internet Explorer, I can't play my videos in full screen, the browser does not support it. The website is uploaded from Evolution 13.
As far as my initial problem is concerned, I have tried to follow your suggestion. If I in step 5 use “Export the Website to disk” and look the exported files up I Windows Explorer, I can’t find an index file. If I use “Export the Project” I get the .iwzip file, that I use for backing up my project.
Kind regards
Hans Bruun-Jensen
Hans, if you export the website to disk there must be index.html, index.php or perhaps home.html, but by default the index file must be present for your website to work.
Can you provide a link to your website?
I am aware that IE is no longer supported by Microsoft, I am not sure if Incomedia is supporting superseded software at this time, I know there were recently issues with older IOS versions.
Sorry, I looked for index in the extension not in the file name. I have an "index.php" file which I can't open. I find no "index.html. However, each map in my website is specified "mapname.html". I can open each of them and then I get a message from Internet Explorer saying "Run of scripts and ActiveX objects on this website has been limited by Internet Explorer" and then I can click the button saying "Allowe the blocked functions". If I allowe the blocked functions I have a full website. All my videos are there and they work even in full screen.
The link to my website is: Be aware that it is uploaded from Evolution 13.
Kind regards
Hans Bruun-Jensen
I have just uploaded my website from version 15.
Hans Bruun-Jensen
Hans, I loaded your site and the only movies I can find are under countries-Holidays/England, is that correct??
I was able to view your videos both in a cell and full screen though IE. Have you fixed the issue??
I have videos under Countries-Holdays - England as you saw, Serbia and Montenegro. Under School/Grammar school Hans - 50-year anniversary Gsc I have 3 videos.
You are wellcome to see them, but they all seem to work perfect, now that I have uploaded the website from Evolution 15.
Thaks for your help
Hans, to assist others and allay their concerns, you may wish to mark your own post as correct (when online, v15 displays videos full screen in IE)
Having said the above - please stop using IE if you can. It it not supported, not updated and not loved by it's creator (Microsoft :-)