не могу обновиться с 13 версии /can not update from version 13 
Autor: Alexander K.
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1) При обновлении с версии, после конвертации проекта, выскакивают следующие сообшения (смотри 2 скриншота). Будет ли найдено решение?. /
When upgrading from version, after the conversion of the project, the following messages pop up (see 2 screenshots). Will a solution be found ?
2) Вчера Гугл сделал предупрежждение. что с 1 июля сайты с файловой системой http: будут объявляться опасными и рекомендовал перевести их на https:. Учтено ли это в ной версии 16?/
Yesterday, Google made a warning. that from July 1 sites with the file system http: will be declared dangerous and recommended to translate them to https :. Is this taken into account in version 16?
Posted on the
По 2 вопросу: а что они должны учитывать? Http/https это не файловая система а протокол передачи данных о чем вы могли ознакомиться в том же гугле. Программа всегда нормально работала с https
Alexander, for me to help with the first problem I would need a translation (unless someone else can read it).
As for chrome requiring https, this is a major annoyance affecting many of us, even those of us who have informational sites without contact forms or shops that therefore do not require a secure connection. To secure your site you will need to contact your host and/or read up on getting your own ssl certificate, either way it costs money (although after much pain I did save a very considerable amount buying my own and having the host install it).
After July 1 Chrome will display a warning, but the site will still function normally if the user is prepared to ignore the warning. Firefox currently has an exclamation mark next to the URL if the site is insecure.
WX5 generated sites work equally well as secure or insecure sites.
I would love to know how google is making money by forcing us all to have SSL certificates :-(
The first problem was solved during the last update. I will think with https, thanks