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Marian T.
Marian T.

How Do I use my a2Hosting code to make my website live  en

Autor: Marian T.
Visited 884, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I have created a website using Web X5. and generated a code for A2hosting.  What steps do I need to take to make my webvsite live.

Posted on the

Hi Marian,

Once you generated your code you will see a Active button>Click on it>You will be redirected to this page'KCXXX-ETXXX-A9XXX-2EXXX' (your code)> Now click on Get Started >Choose your domain name> Then proceed to checkout

Once you registered with A2Hosting, you will get a control panel>Create your FTP or SFTP Address>Then enable SSL Certificate

Once your SSL Certificate is enabled go to Google Webmaster Tool to verify your domain>Visit and sign in with your gmail account>Then enter your domain name as and verify it>You will be redirected to verification page> Then you will be asked to download a HTML Verification file>Download it and rembeber where you have downloaded>Now minimize your browser (Don't close it just minimize)

Now open your Website X5 Software>Select your Project and Start>Now enter your domain in the Website Address (URL) box as>Then Go to Step 5:Export>Select Upload Website to Internet > If you created FTP Address then select FTP and enter the details, If you created SFTP address then enter the SFTP details and Select Next>Now upload the HTML Verification File here>Then select Next> After publication open your minimized browser and click on Verify

Now your website has been published and verified. If you have any issue regarding this please keep posting. Website X5 users will be happy to help you

Thank you

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Posted on the from ANI B.