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Peter H.
Peter H.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object  en

Autor: Peter H.
Visited 1833, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

websitex5 pro 16.2.1 / site url:

I have to keep exporting my project every time i make any changes becuase it randomly stops loading next time i run WX5 with the error Object reference not set to...bla bla bla where's it gone!!!

WSX5 keeps doing this and it's driving me mad... 4 times in one day... I save it regularly and export the project regularly. I've installed x5pro on windows 7 pro  and 10 pro, and it does it in both systems.

Constantly having to back track with backups and start again from the previous backup point is costing allot of time.

I had x5pro just before the 6.2.1 update and i've tried downloading the 6.2.1 and installing just incase the update had issues but no,, still does it.. I've gone through all the other post's related to this issue but its been no help.

WX5 pro does'nt crash or freeze in anyway.. I start the software after saving and exporting in previous session and bang its gone,, wont load the website.

I don't think this is user error,, its a code issue,, a bug,, It's not going away by itself.. All my windows systems have latest updates.

Can this be fixed,, or have i paid for 'suck it and see'???

Posted on the

Check if all used objects in the object list are present and updated.
Go to Manage (the objects) on the right in "Create the Page" and install and update all objects that occur in the projects.
You can also open a new project, which you will not save. the object list is part of the program and will be retained until upgraded or reinstalled.


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Posted on the from JJ. JUAG
Peter H.
Peter H.

Hi JJ,
Thanks for the help, i checked all objects and they are up to date and present. I've gone back through the backups of my project and realize it was ok until WSx5 started reporting a fake font which was never shown when i did a Analyse of website.

The corruption seems to be triggered just after uploading the website through ftp. after doing it the project wont open next time i start WSx5.  I'm now adding small updates to the last working project and uploading the website each time until the Object reference error returns, to try and pin point whats cuasing it.

If i find any thing i will post it here for others to reference.. if i don't find it, open your windows,, yu'll here the screams.

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Posted on the from Peter H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Peter, I have seen this before, but it also affected the export project option. If you have not done this already, please go to step5 Export, Export project (no need to include backups or preview). This will create an IWZIP file or generate an error if it cannot.

Please do NOT rely on backups within WX5!!

If creating the export (iwzip) generates an error I recommend making a copy of your project at startup, then working only on the backup, delete pages one at a time and each time export the project. If after deleting a page the error message goes away you will know on which page is the missing object. At this point return to the full project, make another copy, open the new copy and then on the page that has the error, delete objects/cells one at a time and export again. When I last saw this issue it was a missing/corrupt image in a gallery.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Peter H.
Peter H.

Thanks Esahc.. i started using Exporting option yesterday as a means of backing up project. I noticed yesterday when working on project that a image wasnt showing in a  image object and i had to open the object and add the same image again.

When the object reference error happens the current project is dead, un-usable, becuase the error never happens when saving or exporting the project, it happens when trying to open it next session. so i get no warning in current project, that something is corrupt or missing or something..

so now i export the project and ftp to server, then close WX5 and open again and load project, if i get object error, i delete the last exported project and import previous working one.  I make 4 new pages each time i work on project so if error comes its less loss..

What worries me is at 11am today i got the fake font error back again and im only using WSx5 fonts, the project still loads into WSX5 ok at this time. and running 'Analyse and optimise' shows no issues,, but thats what happened last time before Object reference error showed up. I never copy text from pages on the web i always hand type it.

I think youre mention of corrupt image file causing it may be correct in my case as im building a shop and things get iffy about 15 pages into the project and many images are used by that time.

surely the only way to avoid this Object ref error is to check every image or video or sound object in the whole project before you upload to the web, or export project...  Thats going to be fun on a 80+ page website,, lol

maybe the question to figure out answer for is,, does the corruption happen to the file itself,, or does WSX5's object and ref to file become corrupted. 

I have'nt tried running WSX5 in a windows 'safe mode' environment yet, you know,, no anti virus running,, no firewall, just basic windows and WSX5..  

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Posted on the from Peter H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Peter, I sympathise, but please do not rely on backups - I believe you can trust export (& in the latest version you can rename each iwzip -  I simply add the date).

You are not pulling anything (images?) from cloud synch'd folders are you? I have seen much damage done by onedrive etc. Similarly with external and network drives. Worst case instability seems to be where the documents directory is being monitored by microsoft onedrive.

Before uploading a project with potentially many changes, I always save and then use ctrl+preview before any upload.

I cannot explain phantom fonts, but from (limited) experience, generally such fonts are simply replaced by the default font in the current session.

If you feel like a bit of a challenge, you may wish to try optimizer (, and of course make sure there are NO empty cells on any page (if there are, simply drop an object into each, or each row - a text object is fine, and it does not require content).

Please keep us informed of progress or catastrophes, in the meantime I will keep guessing.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Peter H.
Peter H.

Esahc.. All images used are on local folders,, Sometimes preview freezes and using ctrl+preview doesnt always work, and  I have to close WSX5 and open it again. So thats another regular issue that happens. I'm running WSX5 on windows 10 now to see if things improve. becuase i get allot of issues with this software but i think its all related to project corruption and im currently not sure if WSX5 or my system environment is doing it. here on the help centre not many people have issues with previews or Corrupted projects so WSX5 stable with most users im guessing..

I've had no Object ref errors running on windows 10 sofar and ive completed 6 stages of project edits with no issues apart from the phantom fonts, preview still freezes making me restart WSX5 but apart form all that it seems better running on windows 10 than it does on windows 7.. 

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Posted on the from Peter H.
Peter H.
Peter H.

Also forgot to mention last time i ran Analyse and optimize on the project,, it reported 2 pages had no objects when they did have objects and data in the objects on both pages, i saved the pages twice and ran the analyser again only to see those 2 pages and a warning of no objects in page. I when back in to both pages deleted objects and started again then saved both pages, ran analyser and it was ok, So again this looks like another symptom of corruption. 

I'm completely un-installing WSX5 from windows 7 today and removing any remaining registry entries, then I'm defraging and optimizing hard drive, scaning for viruses, un-installing everything i dont need or use, and then reinstalling WSX5.

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Posted on the from Peter H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Good luck mate, it looks like you're at least making some progress.

I have to admit I thought the "phantom font" issue was resolved in v16.2.1

How did you get your project to the Win10 PC, if you did not export and then import the iwzip, then please do so and it "might" fix the font issue.

As for your win7 PC, it's a pity you can't totally wipe the HD and do a clean install - that would be guaranteed to fix the issues.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Peter H.
Peter H.

I got project to 10 via exporting iwzip,,  In 10 its working fine now apart from fake font,, but no corruptipn occuring.. I've disabled 10's updates and will allow it run updates evry 14 days. I've disables DLL file scanning in AVAST Anti virus, and I've had no problems since. 

On the windows 7 system it has happened a few times..  So i will indeed wipe the drive and reinstall 7,as disabling Avast DLL file scanning did'nt help much.. Been busy moving all the accounting and needed software tools on to the windows 10 laptop.. Will be runing WSX5 on a clean 7 install with all its updates but no other software for now..

Then i can keep using WSX5 on 7 whilst adding 1 program pack on once every 4 days until it either runs fine with it all back on,, or corrupts project again.

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Posted on the from Peter H.