Cannot start the project 
Autor: Qamar H.
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I downloaded the latest version of X5 professional ver 13 Demo but when I start the new project, it pops up a dialogue box saying "Initializing Project Files". I waited over hours but project never got started.
Here are the steps I tried so far:
- Restarted the computer
- Reinstalled the software with admin right
- Restart the computer before Reinstall the software
- Turned off Firewall and anti virus
- Started the app with admn right
Thanks for your help in advance.
Posted on the
Qamar, version 13?
Why not try the current version (v16)?
Please let us know if the current version works correctly and if not Incomedia may be able to assist.
Sorry, fat finger. It is version 16.
Qamar, I have marked your post for Incomedia's attention.
Are you running everything locally or perhaps across a network or USB device? Is one-drive running?
It is also possible that you may be missing some support libraries, but I will let Incomedia decide if updating them may be necessary.
Thanks. Everything is running locally. My computer configuration is i7, 24GB Ram and 2TB HD so hardware should not be an issue.
Qamar, whilst waiting for Incomedia, could this be relevant?
Thanks Esahc, I already have new version of .NET and downloaded VS2015 patch. Uninstall and Reinstall again but no luck. Thanks anyway.
Hi Qamar.
Could it be that the folder where the software is trying to generate the project is somehow unreachable to it? Or maybe lacks some permission to do so?
At the start page, try and change the default Project folder, see if you can create a project then.
Please let me know the result
Thank you
Hi Stefano,
TRied your suggestion and chaged the projec folder from C drive to D drive but no luck. Any other suggestion? Thanks
Hi Qamar.
This seems like a weird issue indeed. Since I believe we've received no other report of such an issue, I'd say something is definitely interfering with the software's generation of the files.
In these cases, it is usually most helpful to try and see if any third party software might be messing with the locations the software is using to store data, as well as the software itself. If possible, also try installing the software on a different pc, see if it works there.
This is probably related to something running on your device specifically, but would be hard to track down just by guessing. Check your running processes and try to understand if any of those could be, for any reason, be working with the same folders the software is involving (even software such as Xampp, in case you're using that).
Keep me posted on this
Thank you
Thanks Stefano,
Cannot figure it out. Gave up. Thanks again