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John W.
John W.

How do I set up sub menu items to read accross in columns instead of just one long column?  en

Autor: John W.
Visited 937, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

In a top level menu category, you have the option of the entire page list showing in one long column, or you can have it fan out across mutiple columns with a set column depth of 10 lines or however many you set it to.  But what about the 2nd level categories?

Example: I have set up my map, it has many first level categories.  I choose to show 8 of those in my menu going across for the PC viewport.  I have set the menu properties for any level with more than 7 pages to fan across with only 7 rows and multiple columns.  But in that level, I will have some sub levels to select from.  Many of those sublevels will have 20 to 30 pages in them for my organization.  The sublevels are showing in one column straight down and you do not get to see the lower entries due to the monitor height.  They are not fanning accross, and I cannot find a setting to have the second level work the same way as the first level.

Does that function exist?  And if so, where is the setting for it?

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, there is no option for this as far as I know, worse still, when the hamburger menu is used at lesser resolutions it becomes almost impossible to navigate.

Is this a pre-existing site from an earlier version or some other software? If so, is it online so we can see how you dealt with this issue in the past?

Have you considered that you can add a menu object anywhere now, and it could start anywhere.

So. . . .    for instance you could add a row at the top of each of the 20-30 pages and list only the 20-30 pages as a first level menu.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John W.
John W.

Thanks, Esahc

The site is not up yet.  Probably will be many many months before it is ready.  On my old tired existing site, I have set up a different header per product section with only text links to the pages in the header for that section.  So your suggestion of adding another menu on a per page basis and then selecting the level to display might become one option.

I know I should NOT have a link to every page on the site in just one menu that shows on every page.  It could write 3000 lines of HTML before even getting to what is meant to be on the page.  Pushes that H1 tag really low in the HTML too.

This will take a little more strategy to come up with the best plan.

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Posted on the from John W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, simply hiding the level menu (above each 30 pages) will stop it appearing in the main menu.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..