Shopping cart terms of service 
Autor: Lauren W.
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We do differnt fundraisers that require online check outs. Each fundraiser may over lap each other as far as collecting money goes. Is there a way to make differnt terms and service for each event (or product)
IE when we sell BBQ we have the terms of service as "must pick up between x and x time, blah blah blah"
but when we do a painting fundraiser I need it to say something along the lines "non refundable, must show up on xx date, all supplies are covered blah blah blah"
How can I achieve this? right now during check out it still going to the same terms and service for the BBQ
Posted on the
Unfortunately no. At the moment, the software allows for a single Terms and Condition per ecommerce cart.
You could in a way work around this by specifying the Terms and Conditions per different kind of sale directly in the same box and perhaps that could do it?
You could write down a specific part for a certain type of product, and a different one for the other
I believe that could be a working workaround since no more than one of those boxes can be filled in at a time.
Let me know what you think of this
Thank you
Are you saying write down all the terms and service for each service/product in the terms and service and label it as so?
Hi Lauren
Yes that is about it. Since at the moment it is not possible to determine a different Terms and Services field per ecommerce cart, that could be an idea.
Also, you might try and start different subprojects in which only the cart is present, and there you can customize their own Terms and Services.
You just upload these subprojects in different subfolders of your domain and link them through custom links from your main site to the others
I hope this can help you out a bit with your need
Let me know here if I can provide further insight on this
Thank you
well.. that is helpful. I will have to tinker with that!