WebSite X5Help Center

Christine C.
Christine C.


Autor: Christine C.
Visited 1634, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

“Not a good service". I found that X5 has been updated each year, but no movement on the blog side, at one time there use to be a choice of number templates built into the blogs within version 7 and 8 that was stopped when they produced version 9. Up to version 9 the program came on a disk and came in a box with a very well present printed manual, this has gone now (STOPPED), it is all electronic down loads, “prices have gone up and service has come down”.

I was under the impression that an upgrade was to improve on the previous versions, this is not the case when it comes to issue such as with the blog section, and the blog section has been downgraded as there is no choice of templates built into the blog now as was in version 7/8/9.

When I mention this as an issue and put forward an idea, they say they will take my idea into consideration for the next version, “That is Just Rubbish” as I have mentioned a new idea over the past 3 years, as also by many other customers, but it has fallen on deaf ears as there has been no movement or upgrade for their ideas regards the blog section, no idea has been taken into consideration.

 Never mind I stick with version 14 until X5 looks at the blog issue and take notice and to provides the program as they use to, “when they needed our custom”. Like many companies once they get established the customer seems to be forgotten. One further point why have so many programs produced each year with so many bugs, about time they sorted out the bugs before releasing a newer program, this is seen by so many who purchasers who have to sort out X5s problems, it just creates more work for them. It seems to be all about money now days with X5, they seem to have lost their way.

Posted on the
Elisa B.

Hi Christine, 

I am sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction. 

I would like to address some aspects you have mentioned in your message. Please consider that templates are still available: for WebSite X5 2019.1 we have introduced 100 new templates, which are complete projects, already optimized for the mobile and ready for you to be customized. In this way, you can go online much easier and faster thank in the past. You have also mentioned the user manual, which I confirm is still available in PDF here:

With reference to the ideas our users submit, while we have already implemented some requests in the past, please keep in mind that, having several thousand customers in various countries of the world, each one with different needs, it would be very difficult to be able to satisfy all the individual requests by adding the suggested features. Surely, the suggestions you send us are reported and taken into consideration, but it is unfortunately always necessary to make a choice. Furthermore, it is our goal to keep WebSite X5 an easy-to-use tool and this, too, necessarily involves important decisions.

Finally, you have mentioned as issue related to the blog: have you already reported it on a dedicated support request? If you didn't please feel free to tell me more about this issue, I will be happy to help you further. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Good afternoon Elisa

It seems you have not read what I posted, I said with version 7/8/9 you had templates incorporated into the blog section I think there was 7 templates, if you are new to X5 then you would not understand or seen the older version. I also said upgrade is meant to be an improvement on the previous version. following 7/8/9 you removed the templates from the earlier versions and put some sort of templates. I also mentioned that with version 7/8/9 I could purchase from Amazon and some other stores that came in a box with a very well presented manual within the box. Now with 10/12/13/14/and now 15 versions you can only obtain them from X5 with downloads on line, with no box and no manual only again a PDF file. This is not an improvement as far as I can see, it’s a money saving for X5, your help line is far too slow one has to wait far to long with no direct contact number to speak to you. And that again is not an improvement, At one time X5 was the bees knees, but now it is bygone company that has lost its way, As the same with other companies once established it’s a matter of no service, no version being sold in Amazon/shops in boxes and all being done with electronic downloads, no printed manual. And never since version 7 have you ever incorporated any suggestions (Ideas) I have put forward, That is why I say again you have not even read my last post with eyes sight but with a tunnel vision to protect X5 at all cost Kind Regards Christine

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Posted on the from Christine C.
Elisa B.

Hi Christine, 

it's true, some templates and functions might have been removed throughout the years. Still, please consider that the reason for the removal of a particular function is due to the need of keeping up with the latest web standards: just think about flash files. Such files are no longer available in the software because they aren't supported on browsers. Moreover, if you need any templates including the Blog, you can find some here:

As far as the boxes are concerned, we have decided not to provide the CD anymore, but if your concern is about how to recover the program in case of need, please consider that you always have a valid download link for the most updated version you own together with a download link for a printable manual on the "Download" section of your Help Center account. 

Finally, and with reference to the ideas for new functions, I have checked your messages but unfortunately I could not find any Idea post about WebSite X5's functions. If you have any needs or if you wish a particular function to be implemented, please feel free to let us know with an Idea post

Thanks! Kind regards

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Dear Elisa

its not about  my concern is about how to recover the programits. Its about no longer can we purchase from outlets,such as Amazon and get a program provided in a box with a full manual.

I do belive you are avoiding the issues that I have raised Its  about how X5 have down graded to save money,yet service as been not good. Why cannot you address the reason why

 we can now only purchase by electronic dowloads and to have to down a PDF manual file, if you cannot address

 the reason why service has gone down hill yet prices have gone up hill. Why can we not purchase via outlets anymore

Answer to save X5 money. it all about X5 getting greedy. Regards Christine 

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Posted on the from Christine C.
Elisa B.

Hi Christine, 

we have decided to change the CD system, among other reasons, because the setup stored on the CD didn't correspond to the latest update available. Because of this, we have preferred to use the download system, so to allow every user to always get the most updated setup.

If you prefer to have an installer stored on a physical device, you can always download the .exe file you can find on the "Downloads" section of your profile, and then store it onto a CD or a USD pen. 

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.


Sorry I just don’t buy your explanation, it is in my opinion for your company decided to stop providing your software programs in a box with a manual inside.

so it could be purchase from Amazon and other outlets,  this is just about  saveing money for your company. I will say again it was just to save money. once your company become well established , you forgot from where you came from like so many companies do. I do not want to buy another update from your company again until it starts to listen to what people are saying. I am just one voice who speaks up about issues that I have seen changes over the years and not for the best for customers. 

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Posted on the from Christine C.
Christine C.
Christine C.

I can see thay X5 has no answer or response to my argument. best policy is to go silent instead of addressing the issue with an open debate

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Posted on the from Christine C.
Elisa B.

Hi Christine,

as mentioned, the choice of removing the box has introduced several advantages for the user. A part from the above mentioned possibility to access to an always updated setup, we have also decided to remove the box  to reduce the price for the final user. Using the box implied some extra costs affecting the final price, namely the production of the Box, the CD and the Manual, as well as the shipping costs. Since the program is now only downloadable, the customer does not need to pay any extra costs to get the program, and it is possible to receive the product right after the payment, with no need to wait. 

Moreover, please consider that the program used to be sold in physical stores in the past: now software in general tend not to be present in physical shops anymore, and this trend has also had an important role for our decision. 

Thank you, I wish you a nice day.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

I dont buy it, its all about your company saveing money, to save mone for the customer. Sorry I wont buy anything elase from X5 they are to greedy and your help desk takes far to long, everytime I have purchased an upgrade I also brought a lot of work for myself with a 

a long wait for help that cost me money. NO MORE

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Posted on the from Christine C.