Pagination in Gallery objects, please 
Autor: Gerald S.Specifically, this request is in reference to the "Masonry" gallery and the "Justified Gallery" objects. I am working with these right now and have large numbers of images to add (100+). May I suggest adding pagination to these objects - for example in the Page Creation properties for these objects, we could have a Pagination On/Off radio button, a list for the number of items to show on each page (All, 10, 25, 50, etc.). When displayed, the page would have the "<< 1 2 3 .. 45 >>" type control in maybe the lower right corner, and the drop down with number of items per page in the upper left corner.
For example of how this would look, please see Datatables is a jQuery plugin that does this type of pagination on html tables.
Anyway, having pagination as a selectabl eoption on these two galleries would enabl etheir use for larger galleries and enchance performance for pages with more than just a few images.
Thanks for considering!