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Jennifer S.
Jennifer S.

Site Widening  en

Autor: Jennifer S.
Visited 1792, Followers 3, Udostępniony 12  

Is there a way to make the preset templates wider? They seem to be designed for the 800X600 world that doesn't exist anymore

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Samantha M.

Hello Jennifer,

you can not change the preset template sizes, you can only add and change what you add to them, I'm sorry.

Are you sure you have scrolled through all of them? There are many different sizes!Are you seraching for a wide template or a narrow?

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Jennifer S.
Jennifer S.

Hi, I'm looking for wider templates

most of them use very little of the screen real estate, and that seems a waste, especially since a great deal of people now use wide screen monitors

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Posted on the from Jennifer S.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Jennifer.... Yes you can alter the templates and insert them into the Custom Template facility in X5. I have "VIDEO" tutorials on my Cyber Cafe below of how to do this if interested......

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man