Did somebody ever used "Simple 3D coverflow" in Website X5 ? 
Autor: Gilbert G.
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Hi, did you ever used the app "Simple 3D coverflow" in a Website X5 project ?
Can I use the plugin that is designed for Wordpress with Website X5 ?
Thanks in advance our help !
Posted on the
>> >> https://github.com/Hoax017/Simple-3D-Coverflow
Hello Gilbert
By default, a plugin made for Wordpress won't be directly embeddable inside a WebSite X5 project. This would require technical knowledge of the code language the plugin is written in as to be able to correctly integrate it.
The Staff cannot, unfortunately, provide support for third-party code, so I would suggest contacting a professional for this type of integration should you believe it to be fundamental inside your website
Thank you
Hello KolAsim, is it possible to ask "3d coverflow" to get his thumbnails, video links and text résumé directly from a database that would be installed on my host company server ?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Hello Stefano, thank you for clarifying this matter.
Hey, KolAsim - I'm pretty sure that you can figure out why these (see the arrow below) don't work as in the original plugin?
Below - 9 presets from the plugin:
Tom. works on Firefox 47.0.2
Not on my Chrome 77.0.3865.90
I have integrated the code into X5... but not running
strange errors into inspect ... path to JS and CSS files seems correct
I put the code into an HTML object on the page
Works in IE11, too.
Weird...I tried myself in several differet ways and cannot get it to work either... Only the drop down list of presets shows...
hello, as Wsx5.afsoftware.fr said before, I also don't work with Vista + Chrome.49 (old), but it works with Vista + Firefox ...
Hello, ciao...
... I think that with IFRAME we can do a little of everything > easily ...
... Hello, ciao...
Hey KolAsim,
thanks for your example. Works perfectly in full HTML file
With WSX5, I have put your code into HTML object but nothing !
Always same error into inspect with your code too
idea ?
(It > En) ... apparently not compatible with the jQuery library used by the program...
...idea! ... you could use my twenty-year method, simply by IFRAME, with which you can easily import anything without conflicts with the program...
... ciao ...
<iframe src="http://www.kolasim-zone.it/slideshowk/simple-3d-coverflow_k.html" width="100%" height="550" </iframe>
Hey KolAsim,
your iframe solution to cal the html file is the best...
here integration is ok
... I have seen, all right, ok ... ciao ...
afsoftware, could you attach your project?
Hey Tom. all
here the project
Thanks, Axel!
(Unfortunately, I cannot open it - ...because I have WSX5 17...
... it's simple, to try pasting the previous IFRAME code ...
Download / Install v2019 on your PC...
Not conflict with your v17...
both on same PC works fine.
v2019 would be $229 (-10%) - no good.
Downloaded 2019 evo demo - wrong version of iwzip. So - complete fiasco...
Maybe just tell what you put in HTML Object, where you put stuff from skin_classic_black.css and FWDSimple3DCoverflow.js. That should work.
Thanks in advance!
Hey Tom,
- I have uploaded the kolasim's source html page http://www.kolasim-zone.it/slideshowk/simple-3d-coverflow_k.html" and rename to kol.html locally
- In my directory project I have create a sub dir like afs-demo/3d-coverflow and I copied the 3 files (kol.html, fwdsimple3dcoverflow.js, skin_classic_black.css)
Into my HTML object I have following
and into advanced tab I have
That's all
You just need to chand contents into the kol.html file with yours.
Thank you, AF! I followed your instructions and got it to work.
I put images from the original and changed to 'category three'.
The only thing I would like to fix is the left and right margins. Shouldn't the width be 100%?
Hey Tom,
to enlarge ito the width screen, t's an option on X5 Pro.... !!!!
Maybe Kolasim can help you on this ? (in this cas you need to post your project to check your source code and to see where is the tip )
How have you changed for category 3 ? Please post your code... I have no investigate on this and interesting
thanks a lot
option to enlarge is here
Thanks, yes, that was it.
If you look into original code, you will see line
Underneath that, you will see added dimensions for each thumbnail. And that is the only change.
This is how it looks:
You can change the background color, for example - to white:
You do it changing following in .html file:
I also found all images the original is using. They are in "skin_black" folder under the "Thumbnails". (Attached)
I am retired guy that loves playing with code. I had fun figuring it all...
You can chose Presets by putting <select> section below <body>:
for example:
I really like it!
(It > En) ... certainly yes, as expected from the DEMO, ... but in the site it would not be well, in fact I had simplified it and eliminated ...
... you can select what you want, for example in my current example I have now modified, it is set from the initial default position to the select(9) position;
... with Ctrl +U you can see in HEAD the script code I used ...ciao a tutti...
Agree, KolAsim!
Again, thank you for your "iframe" suggestion! Your ideas are always great and very helpful!
One last thing, KolAsim:
Why there are no arrows as I show below?
No images, but clicking there works!
... you have to remove this string that I had put for the tests:
img {width: 100%! important;}
img {width: 100%! important;}
KolAsim, Tom,
Good job guys...
I have removed this line:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="afs-demo/3D-coverflow/skin_classic_black.css">
iframe {width:105% !important; height:105% !important;top:0px !important;left:0px !important }
<!-- img {width:100% !important } -->
body {background-color:navy }
But arrows are not there ! but like said Tom, action works by clicking !
Oups...it's works
just need to delete the line and not to comment
thanks for clarification... yes I saw the 3 categories into the source. Ok
I don't understood your explanation on this:
They are in "skin_black" folder under the "Thumbnails".
What do you mean ?
where are (hidden) these pictures / directory ?
One thing not understood
When I click on locomotiva picture I get an animated picture
Where is the coding of animated picture by clcking on previous ?
same question for all in fact, after clicking on first pisture there is other content... But the content is not defined into HTML !
I have ckecked HTML source but nothiing, no ?
The "Thumbnails" is the folder where I put thumbnails of my images. I also put there all small images, like right arrow, left arrow, play, pause, etc. (which originally are on the "mainFolderPath: http://www.webdesign-flash.ro/p/s3dcov/load" page). I wanted to have them locally, not on some server.
"skin_black" is the subfolder of "http://www.webdesign-flash.ro/p/s3dcov/load", where they store the small images I mentioned. Since my my mainFolderPath: is "Thumbnails" the small images must be in "skin_black" folder under "Thumbnails".
In File Explorer:
Thanks Tom... very clear ..
(It > En) ... the Lightbox is an IFRAME
and in my example I use the URL of these pages:
... > plane ... > locomotive ... > carousel...
OK... saw...
The whole thing works great on my PC, but for some reason doesn't work when I upload the WebSite to Internet...
Any ideas why? All files that are in "Preview" folder are on the server...
... you should post the LINK of your example in order to verify ...
I imlemented the buttons that show/execute 9 presets - and it looks like below:
(Clicking on images on "carousel" is not implemented yet - just the presets.)
And here is the link.
Your page, KolAsim, is here.
... you rightly used the name of the original JS file (which I couldn't use with my FTP), so the file is not recognized:
http://www.ownitconsignment.com/3Dcoverflow/JS_CSS/fwdsimple3dcoverflow.js ...!...
... then correct here:
... so:
... OK >> http://www.ownitconsignment.com/3Dcoverflow/JS_CSS/FWDSimple3DCoverflow.js
Thank you!!! Changed all names to lower case and it workes now!
I think it's enough for Saturday. You deserved to rest now!
@AF: this is how the graphic part of the page works.
As I said, clicking on images on "carousel" is not implemented yet - just the presets.
and here all other codes from same team..
Oh, yes... One of the nicest plugins (sorry it's not WSX5).
Thank you for the link!