Did the default cell padding and margins change in the program 
Autor: John W.
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I am noticing that when I add some new cell rows to a page, a page I have written a while ago, there is
a shift in the left margin placing. It seems that on many web pages that I wrote several months ago had
the default cell padding and cell spacing set to 3 on all four sides for both settings. Now the default is
10 pixels. So something in the program changed the default. Not a big deal, but now you get the left margin
for one text block after another jumping around when you add content to older pages.
Has anyone else noticed this change?
Posted on the
Hello.I did not notice such changes.
Depends on when you started creating pages, and possibly the version updates. My first pages were started with
Version 17, and the program upgraded to Version 19. That is probably when the transition happened.
Having the 10 pixel setting is actually better. In the past, I have always nudged my text blocks over 7 pixels to
keep the text away from the edge of the browser window and chancing it falling off the screen edge.
So 3 pixels was okay, 10 is better. But too bad there isn't a master setting that the user can pick what he wants
universally from page to page.
John, you are quite right, the default margins were 3px inside and out in v17, in v2019.2 the default is 10px inside and out.
Like you I cannot find where to globally change the object margins, and like you I am sometimes surprised that my page layout is significantly affected (especially when things are tight) when upgrading between versions. It is a pity the global setting change for all objects from 3 to 10 was not listed in any changelog. I too prefer the setting, but it did make for some unnecessary work when upgrading older projects.
Thanks, Esahc. For right now, I am focusing on finishing more pages. And when I feel energetic in the future,
I may go back and start selecting cells and change all four 3's on both halves of the page to 10's. Hmmm?
8 changes for every cell. Does sound like a lot of work. And for the most part, so few people would notice.
I have a desktop publishing background. So when things are not aligned, I see it. Aesthetically, it is not too bad
with a few new added cells on an older page to appear to have complete paragraph indents.