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Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Import csv or xlsx files  en

Autor: Wagner A.
Visited 2221, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

I need to implement a list of users with theirs name, first name and email adress.

The purpose is to have usser to have access to email adress of members, click onn the email and have the email input form open ready to type a message.

Any Ideas?



Posted on the
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

I have the csv or xlsx data to be updated on a regulat base.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Wagner A.
John S.
John S.

You could use a script that displays a csv-file in a table. The script should be able to have a field ( e-mail address ) as a link. When link is clicked then the users mail-program will open. 

A script that is able to do this, can be found here :

You can see a demo here :

The data is searcable. The index-file can be configured : Name of csv-file to use,link,  delimiter in csv file and so .

In your project ( on the server ) you create a subfolder - could be csvdisp. You upload the files to this folder.

You upload the csv file to the data folder ( under the csvdisp ) 

In your X5 project you insert a html-object on a page. In here you specify an iframe where the source is the index page in the csvdisp folder.

You should then see the csv file as a table on the page and with the e-mail address as a link. When the link is clicked, the users email program should open and the email is inserted automatically.

This is not exactly what you described.

If you want to have the email parsed to another field on the parent-page then you will have to modify the script - or find another script.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Remember to specify the email with mailto:

Example : mailto:***

This will make the mailprogram open and set the mail recipient as ***

The mailto:***  can be specified instead of a "normal" URL.

When you have it to function, then all you have to do in future, is to upload a new csv ( replace ) - the system will then operate on the newly updated file.

No need to upload an entire project - just one file.

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

My example was changed by the system - forgot mailaddresses is replaced with **

Here it is as a clip:

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Made a test here :

In row 20 is the example.

You could also in the search field specify : park

Look what happens as you type - cool isn't 

Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from John S.
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Thank you John. I am not avaible tomorrow to test your scripts I wi;; do it during the weekend

I will let you know the results


Czytaj więcej
Posted on the from Wagner A.
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Good afternoon John,

After having a meeting with the board it has been decided to drop the ideas of publishing the name and email of member's . I try something else. I publish the names and email in a pdf format and it worked perfectly.

Thanks anyway for the info. I keep the reference for further use.



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Posted on the from Wagner A.