Content language
Autor: Alex S
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I have created a new language, Swedish, I change the content and upload it. When I check my page, it is changed to English ..
one time showing right and next time returning to English.
I've changed many times, some content stays, some changes again
I only have one language.'
What can I do more ???
Posted on the
The program cannot overwrite, and retrieves English words of the default
Hi Alex,
Swedish is already a language present in WebSite X5. You just need to select it from the list. You don't have to create a new language. You just need to check that all the texts are translated. Probabily there some missing items that are in English?
I tried simply changing the language and clicking on Preview and I cannot see problems.
Let me know.
Hi I
I still have problems with the content of the language.
Example I have two different projects, one is a restaurant, and the other is car rental.
I change the word "order" in restaurant project to # order ", it goes well as long as I do not start the project car rental.
If I start working on project number 2. the word "order" I want to change to "Book", it goes well
but next time I start project number 1, I do not have the word "order", it change to "Book"
What I understand there are two different files, but the program download original content
The program uses last saved content, if I open an older project, all old content is replaced with last saved content.
There are two different projects and I have to use different content ..
Hello Alex,
The language section is for all projects, and has no option to split in different projects, maybe someone has an custom code to do something like that, but standard it's not possible.
I suggest to use a word that is suitable for both objects.
reserve; reservate; confirm, accept, ?