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Cant Change Customers Informations Like In Version 8  en

Autor: D.
Visited 1059, Followers 2, Udostępniony 5  

I am right now so upset with this version, there are lot of problems with the previews, and what is absolutly exhausting that it is not possible to change the customers informations like it was in V8. I need to do this because we need some more informations from the customers as we tailor custom made artikles...I wonder what else I will find if I work longer with this version. If anybody knows a solution...please tell me. I need to change this in the order form. Thanks *somehowreallydisappointed*

Posted on the
Luca S.
Luca S.

Dear Client,

Sorry foryour considerations.Butwe'd liketo understandwhat are theproblems thatyou havethe preview?We are pleased toreceiveconsideration by theusers becausewe believein the importance ofgetting feedbackfrom those whoultimatelyuse the software.Everyone canplay their part-and we arehappyto consider it!-But thisdoes not meanthat allthe ideaswill beimplementedimmediately.We cansetyour postas an ideaif you wish.

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Posted on the from Luca S.