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Grace H.
Grace H.

Hamburger Menu Contents Spilled on Responsive Smaller Screens!!  en

Autor: Grace H.
Visited 1432, Followers 1, Udostępniony 0  

My X5 Evo software just updated to 220 1.8 (64 bit) and worked fine while I twiddled with adding a page, then tried to get an advertizing ball (Advertizing Message) , then banner (which never worked, that's another question) and after a couple of hours working with the software it suddenly grossly distorted my footer to take up my whole monitor screen on "Preview" and it also removed my Hamburger Button on the smaller responsive screens and puts a typed menu over on the lower left of my header. The Mother's Day promotion I wanted in the Advertizing Message I made into a live link as a Title on my header, and even though I proofed this to show up just under the main menu at the top of my header, it is now at the bottom of my header on the smaller screens. Everything just seems screwed up!! I'm wondering if I should re-install the software?

I deleted my footer and re-did it, so that seems ok. But there doesn't seem to be any way to salvage my small screen header. Unless...???????

Could only include one pic, so I'm showing the messed up version. My website is if you want to look at it on a desktop.

Posted on the
Grace H.
Grace H.

Here's what the Desktop version looks like. I made the Responsive smaller screens to have the same layout, only with a Hamburger Menu instead of the spread-out menu.

I don't have Hamburger Menu set to display on the desktop version.

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Posted on the from Grace H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Grace, please try do a CTRL+Preview because it looks like not all files on the website preview have updated.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Grace H.
Grace H.

He Esahc.. I re-installed my software but I don't think I needed to.

I took the live link out of the Mother's Day Gift message I had inserted into my header. And that seemed to sort things out. The Hamburger menu re-appeared and I was able to re-size and re-arrange everything so it fits. AND the Advertizing Message ball works perfectly now too. I probably should have re-booted my computer after the update and I would have saved myself half an afternoon.

Is it possible to set a link into the Header?? It was to a new webpage I just created.

Thanks for replying to me.

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Posted on the from Grace H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Yes Grace you can add a link in the header, the simplest way is to simply add a page and it will automatically add to the menu. But you can also link from text, picture, logo, level, etc

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Posted on the from Esahc ..